And now for the draw!
Each person in the class is about to be given a different country to support for the 2007 Rugby World Cup. If your team get beaten, you then begin supporting the country that knocked you out of the competition. It’s just for fun – you can still support England or any other country as well!
England South Africa USA Samoa Teacher child 3 child 4 child 2 Pool A Tonga child 5
Australia Wales Japan Fiji child 6 child 8child 9 child 7 Pool B Canada child 10
New Zealand Scotland Italy Romania child 11 child 13child 14 child 12 Pool C Portugal child 15
France Ireland Argentina Georgia child 16 child 20child 18 child 19 Pool D Namibia child 17
Your first try for conversion: Find the country you will now be supporting on a map of the world and label it.