CR IHIS National Health Information System of the Czech Republic Jana Brozova, Institute of Health Information and Statistics of the Czech Republic
CR IHIS Structure of Health Information System of the Czech Republic n National Health Information System - maintained by IHIS CR n Information systems in the area of Public Health Protection n Information system of the State Institute for Drug Control n Surveys focused on particular serious health problems of the population n IS of organizations outside the health sector providing data related to health and health service CZSO, Ministries of Education..,Labour...,Environment, CSSA
CR IHIS Institute of Health Information and Statistics of the Czech Republic n The Institute of Health Information and Statistics of the Czech Republic (IHIS CR) is a governmental organization founded by the Ministry of Health. The Institute was established in The Institute consists of the central unit located in Prague and 14 regional units located inthe regional capitals. n The Institute of Health Information and Statistics of the Czech Republic (IHIS CR) is a governmental organization founded by the Ministry of Health. The Institute was established in The Institute consists of the central unit located in Prague and 14 regional units located in the regional capitals. n IHIS CR was commissioned from the beginning with obtaining and processing statistical data on the state of health and activity of health establishments
CR IHIS Institute of Health Information and Statistics of the Czech Republic n The main tasks and objects of activity of the IHIS CR u To manage and co-ordinate the National Health Information System - above all to collect and process data concerning health status, the network and activity of health establishments, manpower in health services, and health care economy. Data collection from health establishments is steered methodically, organizationally and technically u To publish processed data, to prepare data for users by their requests, and to respond to requests of international bodies (WHO, OECD, EU, IARC, EURO-TB, etc.) u To protect personal data u To ensure technological progress of the health information system
CR IHIS Contents of NHIS n Health status and conditions in population including demography n Network of health establishments and their activities n Manpower n Health care economy n Information from other sources (CZSO, other Sectors)
CR IHIS Sources of information for IHIS CR n Health n Health sources u Health u Health registries u Mandatory u Mandatory notifications (reports on individual cases) forms u Surveys n Other n Other sources n International n International bodies
CR IHIS n In this way data are collected above all on health state of population, u when it is necessary to collect data by cases with the possibility of linking to one person (infectious diseases, source of infection etc.) u when collecting aggregate data is ineffective (hospitalization), limits diversity of processing of data and burdens the reporting units Mandatory reports
CR IHIS Health registries n Cancer Registry n Registry of Hospitalization n Registry of parturient mothers n Registry of newborn n Registry of congenital anomalies n Registry of physicians, dentists and pharmacists n Registry of abortions n Registry of users of medically indicated drug substitution n Cardio-surgical registry n Registry of joint prostheses n Registry of cardiovascular intervention intervention n Registry of occupational diseases diseases n Registry of health establishment establishment n Registry of medical devices n Registry of people disagreeing with deceased donors of organs with deceased donors of organs and tissues and tissues
CR IHIS Individual mandatory notification n Registries and IS of Institutes of Public Health Protection (Hygienic Station) u IS of infectious diseases u TB Registry and the IS of Bacillary TB u Registry of venereal diseases
CR IHIS Regular mandatory forms n out-patient health care establishments and their activity n economy of health establishments n activities of hygienic services n bed health care n technical equipment of health establishments n health care provided to foreigners n foundation, changes and abolishment of health care establishments n other forms (medical apparatus, production and sale of medicaments etc.)
CR IHIS n Health Interview Survey HIS CR u special questionnaire built on internationally harmonized instruments u health state of respondents is observed (according to definition of health presented by WHO) with subject‘s evaluation of his/her health state n Dentition care n World Health Survey u cooperation with WHO - HQ n Sample Survey of the Health Status and Living Style of the Czech Population u intents on abusing of illegal drugs u questionnaire built according to EMCDDA Surveys
CR IHIS Other sources n Czech Statistical Office (demography,…….) n Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs – The Czech Social Security Administration (occupational diseases, disability,…) n Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports n Health Insurance Companies (consumption of medicines, health insurance, costs of health treatment,…)
CR IHIS Structure of collected data n Almost all collected data are available in division according to: u geography territory (data from the whole republic or smaller geographic units, like region, district, municipal community and to individual health establishments) u sex u age (or age group)
CR IHIS International cooperation n WHO u Database WHO – Health For All (HFA) n OECD u Database OECD Health Data n EUROSTAT n Other international activities (IARC, IACR, ENCR, EURO-TB and others)
CR IHIS HIS CR n In the year 2002 the fourth survey of health state of the Czech population, HIS CR 02, was carried out. n By means of information acquired from citizen answers we are able to offer an overview of health, morbidity and life style of population of the Czech Republic. This survey was prepared, as in previous years, according to recommendations of WHO (World Health Organization). n respondents over 15 years of age, of that (47,2 %) men and (52,8 %) women, participated in this survey. This proportion corresponds to the proportion of Census n The selected sample was representative according to sex, age. region
CR IHIS Respondents by type of smoker and education (age standardized values) HIS CR 1993 HIS CR 2002
CR IHIS Respondents by type of smoker in
CR IHIS Respondents by type of alcohol consumption and education (age standardized values) HIS CR 1993 HIS CR 2002
CR IHIS Average body mass index – HIS 2002
CR IHIS Standardized mortality rate in selected states by causes of death - men
CR IHIS Standardized mortality rate in selected states by causes of death - women
CR IHIS Conclusion: n Almost 100 % of the target population is covered by routine reporting and in established national health registries. n Data are obtained from all health establishments, including private ones, from the whole territory of the CR. n Transfer of data to the NHIS and provision of data is based on law or on bilateral contracts and proceeds in established ways. n The system is very extensive. Many indicators are available in long-term time series (some of them since the fifties and sixties of the last century). Easy access to information. Access to personal data is limited to small groups of professionals with strictly defined access rights. Personal data protection is determined by law. Easy access to information. Access to personal data is limited to small groups of professionals with strictly defined access rights. Personal data protection is determined by law.
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CR IHIS Jana Brozova Warsaw 21. – 22. November 2005