Griffin-Spalding County Demographic Profile July 2015
Total Population, Spalding County ~60% increase in ~45 years
County Total pop., 2013 est.State Rank %Change since 1930 Density per sq mile Spalding63, %326.1 Butts23, %128.3 Fayette108, %548.3 Henry211, %633.0 Lamar17, %99.8 Pike17, %82.7 You and your neighbors…
Spalding Municipalities Griffin ~ 23,000 Experiment ~ 3300 East Griffin ~ 1600 Orchard Hill ~ 230 Sunny Side ~150 Unincorporated ~36,000 Spalding County Total ~ 64,000
Population Composition by Age
Race & Place Estimates Spalding County % Change Total64,07363,979 White41,04840,550 Black21,19721, Hispanic2,4512,6939.1
Educational Attainment Percentages of persons age 25+ and their educational attainment,
Average teacher salaries, 2013
Public School Data,
Expenditures, K-12 for Instruction per FTE in Dollars
Per Capita Income 2012 CountyPCIRank of PCI Spalding$28, Butts$25, Fayette$47,8934 Henry$30,88675 Lamar$28, Pike$32,88150 Georgia$37,229
Median Household Income, 2012 Dollars Rank % < $25K%>$100K Spalding$35, %10.8% Butts$42, %14.5% Fayette$78, %38.9% Henry$57, %23% Lamar$38, %12.9% Pike$51, %14.6% Georgia$47, %19.7%
Household Income by Race, Median Household Income by Race Spalding White $47,601 Black$26,707 Hispanic$40,320 Total$40,655
Voter Turnout, 2014 SpaldingButtsFayetteHenryLamarPike Total # of Registered Voters 16,6916,10642,08063,0144,9665,598 % Voter Turnout (General election) 48.8%55%60.3%52.4%51.3%55.1% % of Total Population over %78.5%75.7%72.4%78.9%74.3%
Crime Statistics, 2014 State Prison Inmates Active Probationers by CO of Conviction Spalding Butts Fayette Henry Lamar71251 Pike55154
Crime Stats Continued, 2014 Total Arrests DUI Arrests Juvenile Violent Crimes Adult Violent Crimes Adult Property Crimes Arrests per 100,000 Spalding ,880 Butts Fayette Henry Lamar Pike
2013 Tax Digest/Millage Rate Comparisons SpaldingButtsFayetteHenryLamarPike Co-wide Millage Rate Property Tax, Gross Digest, 40% value ($000) $1,605,837$696,092$4,639,269$5,965,580$576,853$543,488 Property Tax Residentia l Digest, 40% value $719,018$332,443$2,973,017$2,931,131$248,456$297,776
Percentage of persons in poverty from
Lottery Sales, Total per capita dollars, FY14 SpaldingButtsFayetteHenryLamarPike Total per capita $533$520$337$378$342$248
Child Abuse Cases, 2012 Child Abuse Cases Reported Child Abuse Cases Substantiated Child Abuse victims per 1000 children Spalding Butts Fayette Henry2, Lamar Pike Georgia6.9
Health STDs per 100K (2011) AIDS per 100K (2011) Physicians per 100K (2010) Spalding Butts Fayette Henry Lamar Pike
Births to Unwed Mothers, 2011
Births to Unwed Teen Mothers, 2011
Unemployment, 2013 SpaldingButtsFayetteHenryLamarPike Unemployment Rate Unemployed, number 3, ,7608, Civilian Labor Force 28,3269,85252,424105,6958,3378,154
Employment Changes
Commuter Data, Spalding Residents commuting outside the CO to work 47% Commuters, % Travel Time, <20 min 44.2% % Travel time, min % Travel time, >45 min.22.7%
Pull Factor, 2013 Spalding County Total Distrib- ution Accom- odations AutoFood/ Bars General Merch- andise Dollars$8,251,264$42,372$453,671$1,655,230$1,445,547 Pull Factor