Final Book Projects Due Date for Book Shelf: _____________ Due Date for Book Review: ___________ Name:_____________________________________________
Online Bookshelf Assignment Believe it or not, you’re almost a 6 th grader. Next year, your teacher won’t have to wait that long to get to know you. Your teacher will be able to use an online book shelf to learn what your likes, dislikes, and personal tastes in reading are. Follow these steps to create your own, personal book shelf: Step #1: go to Step #2: go to New Here: Create a new account Step #3: once you’ve created your account and logged in, go to MY BOOKS Step #4: you must add books to your shelf. This must include some in each section (read, currently reading, to-read) Step #5: go to your READ books and rate them (5= great, 4= good, 3= ok, 2= below average, 1= not good) Step #6: click on the book you’ve rated and go to “edit” and write a 4-6 sentence review of that book. Step #7: repeat step #6. You must rate and review at least 5 books. Step #8: Go through and check to see if you have enough books added to your shelf. Think about: -What books would I like to read this summer and next year? -What kind of genres do I like? -Were there any books at the book fair or in the book orders that I really wanted? -Would my next year’s L.A. teacher be impressed by this work (they will be able to see this)? Step #9: Click on the people icon in the upper right-hand corner. Then click on “add friends”. Type in Mr. Kreuser’s address in the find or invite members section: Then click on “add as a friend”. Step #10: Double check it has been sent to me and log off. DUE DATE: Friday, June 3
Book Shelf Checklist—15 pts. I have between books on my online book shelf. (2 pts.) I have at least one book in my “Read,” “Currently Reading,” and “To-Read” sections. (2 pts.) In my “Read” section I have rated (1-5 stars), and written a review of, at least 5 books. (3 pts.) I have written a review that is 4-6 sentences long for each book. (3 pts.) I have reviewed my work and this would impress my 6 th grade teacher. Appropriate grammar, punctuation, spelling choices were made. (5 pts.) I have added Mr. Kreuser as a friend. Sample Review: Ex: I really enjoyed reading Hunger Games this year because I watched the movie over the summer. However, the book had more detail and action than the movie. Every chapter held my attention and made me want to read on. I didn’t think I was a fantasy/sci-fi kind of person until I read Hunger Games. This book also made me want to read Catching Fire.
Final Book Review Presentation Choose one book from your “Read” section of your bookshelf. Create a 6-8 slide presentation by using either Powerpoint or Google Slides (HastingsApps) Each slide must include some graphic aid (picture, graph, bold font, etc.) Presentation should be between 2-5 minutes. This book review should make the rest of the class want to read the book. Presentations are June 7-9
Here’s what to do… Slide #1– Title Page with picture of the book and author Slide #3- Introduces us to some of the conflicts and HINTS at how they are resolved. Slide #5– Includes a rating, review, and an explanation of the genre Slide #2- Introduces us to exposition (who, what, when, where) Slide #4—Hints about the ending of the book and some of the other “highlights” You might want to pick out a favorite scene, line, or event. Slide #6– A wrap up of the book. This should persuade us to read it. Be creative! Slide #7 or #8—possibly include a fan or author-made trailer. Possibly show clips from the movie (if there is one). EXTRA CREDIT if you make your own book trailer and present it with your review. Cool pictures that relate to the book. This should make us want to read the book. Remember—each slide must include a graphic aid! The presentation should be between 2-5 minutes total.
Presentation Grading Rubric What’s being graded… ExcellentOkayNeeds Improvement Structure & Content At least 6 slides included with great content and doesn’t give away the ending 6 pts. Only 5 slides included Lacking enough information 4-5 pts. Less than 5 slides included Gives away the ending Needs more information 1-3 pts. Graphic Aids All slides include a graphic aid that helps the information of the presentation 3 pts. Most slides include a graphic aid that helps the content of the presentation 2 pts. Graphic aids lacking in most of the slides. 1 pt. Presentation Quality All elements of public speaking and presentation are excellent: -eye contact -voice level -body language 3 pts. Most elements of public speaking and presentation are good: -eye contact -voice level -body language 2 pts. Many of public speaking and presentation are in need of improvement: -eye contact -voice level -body language 1 pt. Conventions of Powerpoint Very few issues with: -spelling -grammar -transitions -color/word choice 4 pts. Some issues with: -spelling -grammar -transitions -color/word choice 3 pts. Many issues with: -spelling -grammar -transitions -color/word choice 1-2 pts. Overall quality Student has taken their time and put forth their best effort 2 pts. Some more time & effort needed with presentation 1 pt. Much more time and effort needed with the presentation 0 pts. Time Presentation is between 2-5 min. 2 pts. Presentation is between 1-2 min. or 5- 6 min. 1 pt. Presentation is under 1 minute or over 6 minutes 0 pts. Score: ____/20Comments: