Technology and Consumer Control A Study by The Media Kitchen and InsightExpress October 27, 2003
Methodology Study Objectives: – Understand what the mindset of high tech device owners and the ‘control’ they perceive to have Survey of 500 Internet-using Americans who have at least two of the following: – PDA/Blackberry – High Speed Internet at home – A Personal Video Recorder such as TiVo, Replay TV, etc. – MP3 Player – Digital TV (Satellite, Digital Cable, etc.) – Satellite Radio – Cell phone with Internet capabilities Completed in October 2003 Study conducted online, using InsightExpress’ industry leading survey services
Participant Profile: Almost 1 in 5 of those surveyed consider themselves ‘early adopters’ with just less then half stating they buy technology devices ‘when needed’
Participant Profile: The most common devices owned are high speed internet, digital TV (Digital Cable, DirecTV, etc.), and Cell Phones with Internet
Participant Profile: More than half (54%) of device owners feel they have more control than ever before
Participant Profile: Working harder is a characteristic found among owners of PDAs, cell phones with Internet, and home broadband service
Control: Almost across the board, more than half of those who own tech devices purchased them to have more control over their entertainment/available content
We Interrupt this Control: Whether they see it as offensive or they just ‘mind’ – commercial messages are not a welcome sight on these devices Q: Of the devices you own, which of the following describes how you feel about seeing commercial messages on each?
Owners of devices would be more receptive to advertising if they could choose what types of messages they see or if it offset associated device costs Q: I would be more receptive to advertising if it…
Device Specifics
High Speed Internet: Almost 9 in 10 with broadband at home say it has enhanced their lifestyle while 4 in 5 say it has changed the way they gather information
PVR: 3 in 4 with a PVR system find TV more enjoyable than without it while 2 in 5 pay closer attention to TV with their PVR device
MP3 Players: More than 2 in 3 owners of an MP3 purchased it for control over their music
Satellite Radio: Owners of this technology purchased more for enjoyment than control
PDA/Blackberry: More than any other device, these are seen as the most inappropriate (‘offensive’ and ‘mind a lot’ equals 74%) for commercial messages
Q: Opinions regarding owned Digital Television. Digital TV Programming: Why get satellite or digital cable? Owners say it is for control of content
Cell Phone w/Internet: Even though they have Internet capabilities, it would appear that owners are not using this capability as only 1 in 4 say it has changed the way they gather information
Contact Information For more information about The Media Kitchen or this study, please contact Paul Woolmington: – Head Chef / CEO – t: – e: For more information about InsightExpress or this study, please contact Brad Jones: – Director of Agency Research Solutions – t: – e:
Control and the Consumer A study by The Media Kitchen and InsightExpress October 2003