The Effects of Creatine Monohydrate on Growth of Phaseolus Vulgaris Alex Steed Aberdeen Central High School Purpose Hypothesis Methods Data Analysis This experiment was concluded shortly before the plants were able to reach complete maturity and start producing pea pods. I hypothesized that the creatine would be used by the plants to grow taller in height and larger in mass. Based on the results from both the ANOVA one-way (unstacked) tests, I can only reject the NULL hypothesis for plant growth in mass. From the data analysis, the P-Value for the height test was greater than 0.05, meaning that the gathered results were insignificant. However, the results from the mass recordings of the plants were significant as the P-Value was less than This is also seen in the raw data as the plants treated with creatine grew better than the control group. This leads me to believe that the plants were able to use the creatine solution to grow larger in mass. The plants treated with creatine will grow taller in height and larger in mass. This experiment was designed to see if creatine would have an effect on the growth of plants. The results of the experiment could be used to determine the potential of creatine being used as a growing agent for commercial crops. One-way ANOVA: Control,.1M, 1M, 10M An ANOVA one-way (unstacked) test was run on data from the table that contained the height and weight of the plants according to the different concentrations of the solution. The ANOVA was used to determine if the changes in data were due to the concentrations or random probability. A P-Value less than.05 could be used to reject the null hypothesis. In this ANOVA, the data was tested to see if the measured differences in the plants were due to the solutions or random chance. One-way ANOVA: Control,.1M, 1M, 10M Significance level α = 0.05 Equal variances were assumed for the analysis. Analysis of Variance Source DF Seq SS Contribution Adj SS Adj MS F-Value P-Value Factor % Error % Total % Pooled StDev = In the following ANOVA, the second set of data was tested to see if the mass of the plants were due to the solutions or random chance. One-way ANOVA: Control,.1M, 1M, 10M Significance level α = 0.05 Equal variances were assumed for the analysis. Analysis of Variance Source DF Seq SS Contribution Adj SS Adj MS F-Value P-Value Factor % Error % Total % Pooled StDev = Materials Raw Data Conclusion Height of Plants (in cm) Control0.1M1M10M Plant Plant Plant Plant Plant Average Weight of Plants (in grams) Control0.1M1M10M Plant Plant Plant Plant Plant Average )Prepare the seeds for germination. Fold the four paper towels in half and insert ten seeds in the crease of each fold. Fold the paper towel over the seeds. Insert the paper towel with the seeds into a Ziplock bag and dampen heavily with water. The Ziplock bag and paper towel will hold moisture in the seeds causing them to germinate faster. Keep the paper towels wet. 2)Once the seeds germinate, roots will be clearly developing from the seeds, it is then time to place them in the soil. In each of the plant pots, fill with soil until there is about an inch of space left from the level of the soil to the top of the pot. Place the germinated seeds on top of the soil and cover with another half inch of soil. Label the pots as control,.1M, 1M and 10M. 3)Prepare the solutions. Using a scale, measure out 6.56 g of creatine monohydrate and place it in 500mL of distilled water to make the.1M solution. Then measure and place g of creatine monohyrate into 500 mL of distilled water. Repeat process with g of creatine to make the 10M solution. 4)If solution runs out from feeding the plants, recreate as needed using the above method. 5)Water the plants with 25ml of solution in the morning and at night, twice a day. Place in a window or in an area that receives plenty of sunlight. 6)After about a week of growth trim the plants by plucking 5 of the weakest plants in each pot, leaving behind the 5 strongest looking plants. 7)After ample growth, pluck the plants at the dirt level, measure the height of the plants in centimeters and weight in grams. Also record the average of the plants for height and weight based on which pot they came from. Creatine monohydrate4 Ziplock bags Packet of Phaseolus Vulargis seedsRuler Distilled Water4 Paper towels 4 medium sized plant potsScale SoilGraduated cylinder