Troubleshooting Directories and Files Debugging Problem: No events appear in Omi Event output file rollover issues Problem: No hosts are discovered
Directories and Files Connector binaries: Note: Configuration: %OvInstallDir%/bin/HPTECAdapter.exe %OvInstallDir%/bin/HPTECAdapterDiscovery.exe Configuration: %OvDataDir%/conf/tivoli/tivoli-integration.conf %OvDataDir%/conf/tivoli/baroc %OvDataDir%/conf/backsync/bsmconnConfig.cfg (does not exist per default, but can be created) Data files (created at runtime): %OvDataDir%/datafiles/tivoli Log output: %OvDataDir%/log/tivoli-integration.log Default configuration files and default policies: %OvDataDir%/installation/tivoli Temporary files: %OvDataDir%/tmp/tivoli Note: %OvDataDir% equivalent on Linux: /var/opt/OV %OvInstallDir% equivalent on Linux: /opt/OV Windows 64 Bit: %OvInstallDir%/bin/win64 Connector binaries are missing the “.exe” suffix on Linux The most important file seems to be the main configuration file %OvDataDir%/conf/tivoli/tivoli-integration.conf All available configuration options are described in “BSM Connector for Tivoli – Integration Guide” (available on HP LiveNetwork) During a post-installation step, the default configuration file as well as the ootb example policies are copied from the “%OvDataDir%/installation/tivoli” directories to their corresponding location. In case you want to revert the configuration back to “factory-settings”, you can simply copy the files from their again. The connector also creates some temporary files during runtime (e.g. data persistency for incoming communication, meaning every incoming event will be stored in a file-based queue first, before further processing takes place). It may sometimes be useful to clean up left over temporary files first, when trying to troubleshoot the connector.
Debugging Log output of “HPTECAdapter” service Windows: %OvDataDir%\log\tivoli-integration.log Linux: /var/opt/OV/log/tivoli-integration.log Increase Log Level Windows: %OvDataDir%\conf\tivoli\tivoli-integration.conf Linux: /var/opt/OV/conf/tivoli/tivoli-integration.conf Configuration parameter: log-level=3 Log/Trace output of “” backsync Perl script Windows: %OvDataDir%\log\BSMConnNetCoolOMNIBUS_backsync(.log, .trace) Linux: /var/opt/OV/log/BSMConnNetCoolOMNIBUS_backsync(.log, .trace) For further configuration options please see “BSM Connector for Tivoli – Integration Guide”. All available configuration options and their default values are explained there.
Problem: No events appear in OMi Cause 1: “HPTECAdapter” service is not registered and/or not running Cause 2: No incoming EIF requests Cause 3: Integration Adapter policy not installed and/or not activated
Problem: No events appear in OMi Cause 1: “HPTECAdapter” service is not registered and/or not running What to check ? Execute: ovc –status HPTECAdapter Check log output for falsely set configuration parameters E.g. connector won’t start, if event output XML file cannot be opened for writing. How to solve ? Register the service: perl /var/opt/OV/installation/tivoli/ Start the service: ovc –start HPTECAdapter Set configuration parameters to correct values (or to default) /var/opt/OV/conf/tivoli/tivoli-integration.conf The output of “ovc –status HPTECAdapter” should report the status “Running” Falsely set configuration parameters, like a falsely set path (e.g. for the event output XML file) can cause the connector to terminate immediately. The log output then contains an “ERROR” or “WARN” entry. Please have a look at “BSM Connector for Tivoli – Integration Guide” for a detailed description of all available configuration parameters.
Problem: No events appear in OMi Cause 2: No incoming EIF requests What to check ? Check log output for server settings: CONF Controller - EIF server: port: 5529 - backlog size: 100 - i/o timeout: 200ms Check log output to contain entries on incoming requests: TRACE networking.ClientSocket - Incoming connection from host […] TRACE receiver.EIFParser - Detected complete EIF event ! Check event output file to contain XML formatted events %OvDataDir%\datafiles\tivoli\event.xml Check firewall settings Check, if IPv6 is enabled: TRACE networking.ServerSocket - IPv6 seems to be available. How to solve ? Configure TEC/Netcool servers (or any other EIF data source) to send events to your server Documentation: “Integration Guide”, chapter 2 Configure the firewall Default Port: TCP 5529 Enable IPv6 in the operating system settings The configuration, used by the connector, is written to the log file on every program start. Check for the port, the connector is listening on for incoming events. The default value is 5529. This value may vary for your Tivoli environment. If log level is set to “3”, the connector reports incoming connections as well as recognized events to the log file. The XML formatted events are written to the “event.xml” file (see slide for full path). If no “incoming event” is reported, it may be also a firewall issue. Ensure the port to be open/forwarded. The connector is “IPv6 ready” and reports, if it works on IPv6 on program start (log level must be set to 3). Note: On Windows XP/ Windows Server 2003, there is no “dual-stack” mode available. On those operating systems, you can either use IPv4 or IPv6. Since Windows Vista/ Windows Server 2008, it is possible to use IPv4 and IPv6 in “dual-stack” mode. Linux (kernel 2.6/3.x) supports IPv4/IPv6 in dual-stack mode.
Problem: No events appear in OMi Cause 3: Integration Adapter policy not installed and/or not activated What to check ? Check Integration Adapter UI for the policy to be present and activated Execute: ovpolicy –list Check “opcxmli” service to be in state “running” ovc –status opcxmli How to solve ? Install policy and activate it Execute configuration script: perl %OvDataDir%\installation\tivoli\ Or manually import policy: %OvDataDir%\installation\tivoli\policies\xml
Event output file rollover issues What to check ? Check Hotfix 1 to be installed: Product version 1,01,011,0 %OvInstallDir%\bin\HPTECAdapter.exe %OvInstallDir%\bin\win64\HPTECAdapter.exe Close-After-Read flag not set in Integration Adapter policy ? Log output: ERROR persistence.rotatable_ofstream - Error while moving ‘C:\ProgramData\HP\HP BTO Software\datafiles\tivoli\event.xml’ […] How to solve ? Install Hotfix 1 for BSM Connector for Tivoli version 01.01.01x from HP Live Network Set the Close-After-Read flag in the Integration Adapter XML policy Restart “HPTECAdapter” service ovc –restart HPTECAdapter There was an issue fixed, regarding the file rollover mechanism. The fix is available since Hotfix 1 (Version 01.01.011 of HP BSM Connector for Tivoli). See the hotfix’s README file for further information. The Product version can be checked by navigation to the binary’s path (see slide for path name), right click and open the file properties dialog. The dialog is shown in the slide. Integration Adapter 09.1x has the problem, that it keeps a permanent read-lock on the file, when using it as source for a XML policy. Therefore it is recommended to turn off the close-after-read flag for the Tivoli connector’s file rollover mechanism to work correctly.
Problem: No hosts are discovered What to check ? Check if “nodes” file exists and contains hostnames/IPs %OvDataDir%\datafiles\tivoli\nodes /var/opt/OV/datafiles/tivoli/nodes Check if configuration parameters match your event structure: Parameter: discovery-field-hostname=hostname discovery-field-ip=origin Check if discovery policy is installed and activated How to solve ? Install policy and activate it (see Documentation “Integration Guide”) Analyze the attributes of incoming events and configure discovery parameters <event> <eventClass>TMW_ProcessingHighCPU</eventClass> <eventKeyHint /> <hostname><![CDATA[]]></hostname> <msg><![CDATA[Hello World]]></msg> <origin><![CDATA[]]></origin> <source><![CDATA[LOGFILE]]></source> <status><![CDATA[OPEN]]></status> </event> event.xml file The “nodes” file is created on the first recognized host, meaning, the first time, an incoming event contains the specified hostname attribute (and the attribute’s value is not empty). The event attributes to look for hostnames and IP addresses can be configured using the “discovery-field-hostname” and “discovery-field-ip” configuration parameters. Default values are “hostname” and “origin”. Review the incoming event data structure (using the “event.xml” file) and look for possible event attributes, which contain the hostname/IP information.