CELEBRATE! Music Enumerated in Federal Law for the First Time! Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), Title VIII, Section 8002 – Definitions ‘‘(52) WELL-ROUNDED EDUCATION.—The term ‘well-rounded education’ means courses, activities, and programming in subjects such as English, reading or language arts, writing, science, technology, engineering, mathematics, foreign languages, civics and government, economics, arts, history, geography, computer science, music, career and technical education, health, physical education, and any other subject, as determined by the State or local educational agency, with the purpose of providing all students access to an enriched curriculum and educational experience.’’
Advocate now that Music is enumerated in Federal Law Advocate to support music via federal law (ESSA): Write a letter to your school board alerting them to the fact that music is now listed in ESSA as part of a well-rounded education Join a school or district committee and get involved in identifying needs for your music program that ESSA could help support with supplemental funds Ask your principal how your school/district will be spending its Title IV dollars from ESSA – will those funds support music as part of a well- rounded education? Learn more at bit.ly/NCLBends and bit.ly/NAfMEadvocacy
Additional Ways To Support Your Music Program Join the Music Boosters! Fundraising Promoting events and fundraisers Chaperoning Helping with communications Spirit Nights Advocate for the Music Program Thank the school administrators for their support of music in our school. Send a letter to the school board to let them know what music means to your student Write a letter-to-the-editor of the local newspaper describing the benefits of music and the accomplishments of the students.
Why Music? Music helps educate the whole student. The broader minded TM benefits of music education: Enhances creative thinking and problem-solving Builds collaboration and communications skills Develops discipline and persistence Further ways you can support our school’s music program: Invite school board members, county/district supervisors, state and national lawmakers (when in town) to our school’s performances. Write a letter-to-the-editor of the local newspaper. Visit nafme.org/take-action/ for more “Public Relations 101” ideas. Thank your U.S. House of Representatives member and your U.S. Senators for supporting music as part of a Well-Rounded education |