Dynamic Aperture Summaries ■ OCS v2.0 & v6.0 ■ Multipole Errors ■ Optimized Wiggler Jeremy Urban, Cornell, 9/26/06Page 1.


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Presentation transcript:

Dynamic Aperture Summaries ■ OCS v2.0 & v6.0 ■ Multipole Errors ■ Optimized Wiggler Jeremy Urban, Cornell, 9/26/06Page 1

10 straights = >12  6 straights = 7  Concentrate RF and wiggler sections as motivated by Conventional Systems OCS v2.0 for BCD studies, v6.0 June 2006 Jeremy Urban, Cornell, 9/26/06Page 2

Linear and Nonlinear Wigglers v6.0 linear aperture is more restrictive than CESR-c wiggler limited aperture. Jeremy Urban, Cornell, 9/26/06Page 3

Multipole Errors in OCS v2.0 & v6.0 Multipole errors are same as used for BCD study, derived from PEP-II and SPEAR-3 magnets by Yunhai Cai They are stronger than linear and nonlinear wiggler limited apertures Jeremy Urban, Cornell, 9/26/06Page 4

Y. Cai J. Urban OCS v2.0 Linear WigglerOCS v6.0 Linear Wiggler Jeremy Urban, Cornell, 9/26/06Page 5

Y. Cai J. Urban OCS v2.0 Non-linear WigglerOCS v6.0 Non-linear Wiggler Jeremy Urban, Cornell, 9/26/06Page 6

ILC-Optimized Wiggler Baseline wiggler is superferric Used CESR-c superferric wiggler as starting point and performed further optimizations Optimized to reduce cost and simplify engineering and construction problems Jeremy Urban, Cornell, 9/26/06Page 7

Jeremy Urban, Cornell, 9/26/06Page 8 Width – 238mm, sufficient for radiation absorbers Gap – 76mm, increase vertical margin Reduce # of Poles and Increase Peak Field  x,rad ~  2 B 3 OCS v2, Nonlinear Wiggler, Reduce Pole #

Jeremy Urban, Cornell, 9/26/06Page 9 14poles x 40cm  12poles x 32cm Final length reduced to 69% N poles = 12 = 32 cm L wig = 1.68 m B peak = 1.86 T Width = 238 mm Gap = 86 mm I = 141 A   = 0.13 %  x = 0.55 nm·rad  d = 26.4 ms OCS v2, Final Optimized Wiggler DesignOCS v2, Nonlinear Wiggler, 12 Poles, Reduce Period