TOWAH Financial By Gary Tyler Michael Owen Reggie Wattree Jeremy Atherton Aaron Hurt “Provide end users with quick and efficient assistant with technical driven needs”
The Organizational Structure Meeting Needs IT Manager Senior Help Desk Technician Help Desk Technician 2 positions Senior Field Technician Field Technician 2 positions
Staffing: General Information All candidates must meet the requirements for the position as well as go through an interview process before being considered. The IT department is looking for individuals who are ambitious and have good interpersonal skills. Highly knowledgeable, teachable individuals with a willingness to learn are desired. Certifications are preferred, but are not required and are not a deciding factor in the selection process.
Marketing: Help Desk Intro. Our management group plans to introduce the new IT Department to your employees in various ways. We, as the top management group, will introduce ourselves to each department. We will pass out logo pens and pencils. We will have Refrigerator pin-ups and small calendars on hand for those who would like them. Each floor and/or department will receive a posted flyer introducing our IT Department Our IT team will introduce themselves by doing basic cleaning such as: wiping monitors, air spraying keyboards, mice and vents. This will be achieved by doing approximately 25 people each morning for the first week.
Marketing: Intranet Outline Main Menu Name TOWAH Help Desk “Don’t worry be Happy TOWAH is here to save your day” Hours of operation Phone numbers addresses Link to FAQ Location of Help Desk Link to sub-menu Sub Menu Names of workers/profile Link to calendar for events/possible downtime General IT news Link for comments
Help Desk Software and Tools Weighted Evaluations Big Web Desk = 3.4 Help Deck Pro = 3.5 Site Help Desk = 2.7
Software Requirements Allows more time to work on high end issues Provides lower cost web-based inquires compared to phone calls Reduces response times Reduces paperwork Provides a database for all issues reported
Cost Justifications Current Cost IT Staff lost time expense = $250,000 Regular Staff lost time Expense = $100,000 Non Preventative Measures Expense = $93,000 Total = $443,000 Help Desk Cost Staff Cost = $325,000 Software in the first year = $4,300 Marketing = $4,000 Total =$ 325,000 Total Savings = $109,700
Initial Training Group demonstration of new software open to all employees Cover basics of the new software Cover any advanced features that majority of users may need Provide an extended question and answer session following the seminar
Ongoing Training Distribute computer based ‘click-through’ training programs on cd-rom Distribute printed quick reference ‘cheat sheets’ with easy to follow steps Provide employees with access to all software manuals via the company intranet