Registration Fee : 72,900 Baht / US $ 2,100 This fee does not include 7% VAT, dinner and transportation but include 2 coffee breaks and a lunch during the session day, accommodation, instruction and instructional materials. IWCF Well Intervention (Level 3&4) T e c h n i c a l P e t r o l e u m T r a i n in g I n s t i t u t e Course Schedule This course is conducted in English / Thai This course syllabus aims to meet the recommendations for enhancements to well control training, examination and certification produced by the International Association of Oil and Gas Producers (OGP) in report number 476 in October Course Overview : -February 08-12, March 21-25, May 09-13, July 11-15, September 12-16, November 21-25, 2016 Class Size Minimum 6 Maximum 15 Venue TPTI Bangpu Training Center 919/9 Moo. 2, Tambon Taiban, Bangpoo Samut Prakarn Province Thailand Course Outline : Payment/Cancellation The fee should be made in Thai Baht and payable to : Technical Petroleum Training Institute Account No: or Swift Code: SICOTHBK at Siam Commercial Bank Ltd., Ramatibadee Branch. The cancellation must be made and received by TPTI 14 days or more prior to the course. One half of the registration fee must be paid by those registrants who cancel less than 14 days before the program. Who should attend : We recommend personnel in the following positions should attend the appropriate level of training and assessment: Equipment Operator (Wireline, Coiled Tubing, Snubbing). Single Discipline Supervisor/Engineer (on successful completion of Level 3 should progress to Level 4). Well Services Supervisor. Completion Supervisor/Service Leader Test IWCF Well Intervention (L3&4) Completion Operations Overview, Introduction to well control, Introduction to barriers, Risk management, Circulating system, Testing, Well integrity testing, Influx characteristics and behavior, Shut in procedures, Well control methods and Contingency planning Completion Equipment Blow Out Preventers, Completion equipment and Annulus pressure monitoring Coiled Tubing Operations Coiled Tubing Equipment, Rigging up, Testing, Barrier principles, Contingency Procedures and Shut-in procedures Snubbing Operations Pressure Control Equipment, Rigging up, Testing, Barrier principles, Contingency Procedures, Shut- in procedures and Operating procedures Written Paper Test (by IWCF Invigilator) Note: Participants have to score minimum of 70% in each of the tests to qualify for the IWCF certificate. Validity of the IWCF certificate is two years. If a participant fails in any of the paper, he can re sit in the failed paper within two calendar months. Two attempts are allowed for re sit during this period. IWCF Certification is issued under TPTI center accreditation approved by IWCF and upon the successful of testing Wireline Operations Pressure Control Equipment, Rigging up, Testing, Barrier principles, Managing a leak or malfunction on surface, Contingency Procedures and Critical Operating procedures The written test syllabus is divided into two sections: Compulsory Modules: Completion Operations Completion Equipment Optional Modules: Coiled Tubing Operations Snubbing Operations Wireline Operations Technical Petroleum Training Institute : Head Office Energy Complex Building B 555/2 11th Floor, Vibhavadi-Rangsit, Chatuchak, Bangkok Thailand Tel: , Fax : Organized by: Petroleum Training Services (PTS) Co., Ltd. Address: 919/9 Moo 2, Taiban, Muang, Samutprakarn Website: Tel: +66 (0) (Siriporn)
T e c h n i c a l P e t r o l e u m T r a i n in g I n s t i t u t e Registration Form REGISTRATION FEES : 72,900 Baht / US $ 2, IWCF Well Intervention (Level 3&4) – Test paper Version / Unit – : English Language / API Thai Language / API This fee includes two coffee breaks and a lunch during the session days, accommodation, instruction and instructional materials but does not include 7% VAT, dinner and transportation. 2. Enrollment Information : (Please print clearly.) First Name ( Mr / Ms / Mrs ) : Last Name: IWCF CR Number : Date of Birth : ID card / Passport Country : Home Address : ID card / Passport No. : Issue Date : Expiry Date : Tel : Mobile Phone : Fax : Position : Company : Company Address: Level Level 3 (Operator) Level 4 (Supervisor) Optional Modules; (Please note: at least one optional module must be taken.) Coiled Tubing Operations Wireline Operations Snubbing Operations. Signature: Date: Payment Method : By cross cheque or bank draft payable to Technical Petroleum Training Institute Mail your payment with this registration form to TPTI. Enclosed is the cheque / draft for Baht By Address :Energy Complex Building B 555/2 11th Floor, Vibhavadi-Rangsit, Chatuchak, Bangkok Thailand 3. Wire transfer into the account ofTechnical Petroleum Training Institute Bank Name : Siam Commercial Bank Ltd., Branch : Ramatibadee Account No: or Swift Code: SICOTHBK 4.REMARK : All participants have to send / Following details as below; Venue -TPTI Bangpu Training Center 919/9 Moo. 2, Tambon Taiban, Bangpoo Samut Prakarn Province Thailand Course Date: Technical Petroleum Training Institute : Head Office Energy Complex Building B 555/2 11th Floor, Vibhavadi-Rangsit, Chatuchak, Bangkok Thailand Tel: , Fax : Organized by: Petroleum Training Services (PTS) Co., Ltd. Address: 919/9 Moo 2, Taiban, Muang, Samutprakarn Website: Tel: +66 (0) (Siriporn) 5.HOW TO REGISTER : Please send the registration form to or contact at Attachment a copy of previous IWCF or IADC certificate. Attachment a copy of ID card or passport. Don’t wear any short Trouser and sandal to Training Center. Following Drug / Alcohol policy. Please smoke cigarettes in Smoking Area.