Agenda Welcome Fourth grade information Questions
The schedule will vary based on what day of the rotation we’re on: 7:15- 7:45Arrival, Morning Work, & Morning Choice 7:45- 8:30Morning Meeting & Writer’s Workshop 8:30- 9:00Whole Group Math 9:00- 9:55Specials 9:55-10:30Math Workstations and Small Groups 10:30-11:00Reading: Whole Group 11:00-12:00Reading: Guided & Small Group Reading 12:00-12:15Word Work/ Vocabulary (Focused Instruction) 12:15- 12:40Lunch 12:50-1:10Recess 1:15- 1:45Math Workstations and Small Groups (Every Other Week: Guidance) 1:45-2:30Science/ Social Studies 2:30-2:35Pack up/ Agenda/ Dismissal Daily Schedule
N- Need to follow staff directions E- Engage in learning (stay on task) W- We use our hands and feet appropriately S- Show respect for people and property What is a RETEACH? Explorer Expectations
Quality Work QUALITY WORK The paper is dated and includes your first and last name. The assignment is complete, no blank answers. (I should at least see an attempt to complete all questions or tasks) Answers are done in complete sentences (if appropriate). Your work is done with legible penmanship. Your answers are logical; make sure you answer the question. You use correct punctuation and capitalization.
Grading scale: A B C D 64 and below F Based on assessments, participation, and classwork You can always check with your child’s teacher about your child’s progress Report cards every nine weeks Conferences following first nine weeks Grades
Participation Students will receive a participation grade twice a month in each subject. They will have an opportunity to earn 3 points each day, which equals 30 points every two weeks. In order to receive full participation for the grading period, students must exhibit the following behavior: Student has all the needed materials and is prepared for class Student gives their best effort and has a positive attitude Student participates and contributes to discussions Student works well with others in his or her group Student shows respect for teachers, students, and special visitors Student remains on task throughout all activities Participation
4 th graders will have 30 minutes of reading nightly and must fill out the daily reading log. The book that students read for their homework should be in their lexile range, or reading level. You can find the lexile level of most books at Students must respond two times weekly The response includes: A summary A reader’s response Homework
Reading Response
DateBook TitleLexileHomeSchoolPages Finished or Abandoned Ex. 8/31 Frindle 830L 5:00- 5: Daily Reading Log Name: ________________________ Directions: Please complete this reading log EVERYTIME you read. Independent reading may be available at certain times during the school day in addition to the 30 minutes required every night. Be sure record the time your reading took place whether at home or at school. Write finished once you have completed the book or abandoned if you are leaving the book unfinished and bring to me to initial. If you abandoned the book, be sure to state your reason.
Please make sure to check your child’s planner and take home folder each night. Homework and any other important papers will be in blue Wellington Folder If you write a note, please inform your child to share the note with the teacher. Planners and take home folders
Monthly projects will begin in September September: Book Cover October: Cereal Box Past projects have included: Endangered Species Project, Famous American Wax Museum, Invention Project, and Geometry City Explorer fair- This takes the place of the science fair. Students have a choice between inventor fair, science fair, or career fair. Mrs. Stager will be in contact with more information about this. Projects
Unit assessments at the end of each unit in math, reading, science and social studies FAST- Fall & Winter & Spring K-PREP- May Students will be tested in Math, Science, Language Mechanics, and Reading this year. It will consist of multiple choice, short answer, and extended response (open response). Assessment
Communication is the key to your child’s success! (**checked before school, during planning, and after school) Phone (planning from 9-9:55) Communication
It is important for your child to be at school every day! If your child is absent, please send in a written excuse within two days of returning to school. Please make sure notes are turned in immediately following absences. **See attendance policy in handbook** Attendance
Louisville Science Center—October 6 th ! Please try to turn this in as soon as possible. Frankfort Mammoth Cave Lexington Children’s Theater Tentative Field Trips
Must sign in and out at the office Please schedule times with teachers to address individual concerns. Visitor Policy
center-resourceshttps:// center-resources Navigating the Wellington Page
Thank you so much for taking time out of your schedule to be here tonight. THANK YOU