How Hormones effect us Click your mouse to continue
How hormones effect us 1.Hormones affect the size to which the body grows 2.Hormones affect the development of sexual characteristics 3. And to a certain extent mental powers and personality 1. Men - voice - facial hair - more muscles 2.women – Breasts - Menstruate - voice slightly changes Click your mouse to continue
The Endocrine system
The endocrine system The endocrine system consists of glands, and like all other glands in the body they produce and release (secrete) useful substances. Endocrine glands have no ducts, and they secrete products called hormones, which are chemicals The hormones go directly into the blood stream which carries them all around the body, where they affect organs sensitive to them.
The Endocrine system Both hormones and nerve impulses co- ordinate the body’s activities, but they do this in different ways.
The Endocrine system The difference between the way in which some impulses and hormones operate is like the difference between a telephone message and a message broadcast by radio
The Endocrine system 1.A telephone message goes along a wire to one person and nerve impulses go along a nerve phone to one particular muscle or gland Hormones are “broadcast” by the bloodstream to every cell in the body, but only certain cells respond to them. 2.A radio announcement however is broadcast to everyone with a radio, but only those actually concerned with the message respond to it.
The pituitary gland (master gland)
Situated in the skull Secretes sexual hormones Influences growth Size of bones If the pituitary gland produces to much growth hormone the result is abnormal growth or gigantism
Pituitary gland One pituitary hormone raises blood pressure by causing contraction of muscles in blood vessel walls
Pituitary gland One pituitary hormone causes strong contractions of the uterus during child birth and also the production of milk from mammary glands.
Pituitary gland One pituitary hormone contracts the amount of water re-absorbed into the blood in the kidneys, thereby influencing the amount of water lost in urine.
The thyroid gland
Butterfly shaped gland situated in neck in front of the windpipe There are several thyroid hormones including THYROXIN 1.Controls metabolism in body 2.Has an influence upon physical and mental development from birth to old age In the young failure of the thyroid to produce its hormone can result in stunted growth and severe Mental retardation known as cretinism
The thyroid gland In adults a slight decrease in Thyroxin production can have dramatic results 1.The person becomes extremely sensitive to cold 2. Tends to forget his or her past life 3. Looks much older than they really are These conditions can be treated by medication called OX THYROID
The thyroid gland In cases of an OVER – ACTIVE – THRYROID Rate of metabolism increases Body gets thinner Person becomes restless Over excited Mentally unstable A person whole physical and mental well being can depend therefore on the balanced thyroid gland
Adrenal Glands
Adrenal glands Adrenalin is a hormone produced by the inner region (medulla) of the adrenal glands There is one of these glands above each kidney in mammals 1.Adrenalin effects everyone – exciting situation faced with danger
Adrenal glands 1.This hormone stimulates his / her heart to beat much faster 2.The bronchioles in your lungs increase in diameter and breathing rate increases 3.Extra 0² is added to the blood and with a massive dose of glucose which adrenaline releases from the liver, rushes to the muscles and brain.
Adrenal glands Adrenalin prepares the body for sudden possibly violent effort 1.Emotional excitement 2.Stress 3.Fear 4. Anger
Adrenal glands Familiar symptoms of adrenalins affects at these times are 1.A dry mouth 2.Pounding heart 3.An unpleasant “sinking” sensation in the stomach
Found in the pancreas, a gland which secretes digestive juices, there are patches of tissue with no digestive function are called ISLETS OF LANGERHAUS which produce hormones called INSULIN and GLUCOGON When the blood sugar levels in the body drop e.g insufficient carbohydrate intake, glycogen is produced as it mobilizes the liver to raise blood sugar levels
Diabetes This is a disease caused by the slowing down of INSULIN production. Diabetes need to be treated with insulin if they aren’t they become unconscious as a result of dehydration, acetic acid poisoning and slow cellular respiration
Sex hormones
Ovaries in females The ovaries produce hormones called OESTROGENS and PROGESTERONES Firstly - Control secondary sexual characteristics Breast Wide hips High pitched voices Secondly These hormones prepare the uterus to receive a fertilised ovum. Thirdly Hormones maintain the uterus to develop and protect the developing embryos
Testes – in males The testes produce the hormone TESTOSTERONE, which stimulates male development and characteristics. 1.Deeper voice 2.More body hair 3.More powerful muscles
Find out more about hormone glands Take a look at the following websites
The Endocrine System Quiz Click here for the questions
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