Presentation of the Emily Noether Distinction for Women in Physics to Prof. Dr. S. Guenter By M.Q. Tran Member of the EPS Executive Committee On behalf of the EPS President and of the EPS Committee on Equal Opportunity
The Emily Noether Distinction The European Physical Society has established the EMMY NOETHER DISTINCTION FOR WOMEN IN PHYSICS to: bring noteworthy women physicists to the wider attention of the scientific community, policy makers and the general public; identify role models that will help to attract women to a career in physics The scope includes personal achievements in areas such as research, education, outreach and industry. The selection was performed by an EPS Committee selected by the Equal Opportunity Committtee
Short CV of Prof. Dr. S. Guenter 1990: PhD in Theoretical Physics, Rostock University with a Habilitation in : Uni of Maryland and NIST 2000: Scientific member of the Max-Planck Society and Director at Max-Planck Institute for Plasma Physics 2011: Chair of directorate and of the Board of Scientific Directors of IPP
Involvement in the Plasma Physics Community Among the numerous involvements of Prof. S. Günter in the life of Plasma Physics Community in Germany, Europe and the world I would like to remind her instrumental role in the transition from the system of Associations to the present organisation, where all European laboratory are gathered under one consortium, EUROfusion.
Distinctions 2001 Appointment as adjunct professor at Rostock University 2006 Appointment as honorary professor at Technical University of Munich (TUM) 2013Federal Cross of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany on the Ribbon 2015Election as Member of the National Academy of Science and Engineering of Germany 2015 Election as Member of Academia Europaea and EPS Emily Noether distinction
Laudatio For her leading role in the study of the effects of microscopic physics on the large-scale behavior and stability of hot magnetized plasmas in fusion devices. With her solid scientific record, many leadership roles and mentoring of researchers and students, she is a model for women physicists.
2015 EPS Emily Noether Distinction for Women in Physics