Grade 8: U.S. History Liberty Middle School 1 Concept Development: Cabinet- President’s group of______________ Kitchen Cabinet- Jackson’s __________ ___________ who advised him, not the formal cabinet Civil Servant- ________________ ________________ Spoils system- government jobs are given to people based on _________________ to the leader, _________ by ____________. Jackson did not rely only on his cabinet for advice. He made most of his decisions with the help of trusted friends and political supporters. Because these advisers were said to meet with him in the White House kitchen, they were called the “kitchen cabinet.” 1. How is the “kitchen cabinet” different from the actual cabinet?_________________________________________ ________________________________________________ The rich men who had been used to influencing the government viewed the “kitchen cabinet” with deep suspicion. In their eyes, the men around the president were not the proper sort to be running the country. 2. What did Jackson’s opponents feel about the “kitchen cabinet”? ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ Learning Objective: Students will be able to describe how the spoils system affected democracy.
Grade 8: U.S. History Liberty Middle School 2 Jackson’s critics were even more upset by his decision to replace many Republican officeholders with loyal Democrats. Most of these __________ ___________ viewed their posts as lifetime jobs. Jackson disagreed. Rotating people in office was more democratic than lifetime service, he said, because it gave more people a chance to serve their government. Jackson believed that after a few years in office, civil servants should go back to making a living as other people do. How did Jackson argue that rotating people in office was “more democratic” than keeping the same people in office? Do you agree?________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________. Jackson’s opponents called the practice of rewarding political supporters with government jobs the spoils system. This term came from the saying “to the victor belong the spoils [prizes] of war.” How is Jackson and the spoils system like picking your friends for a team rather than the best players?______________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________
Grade 8: U.S. History Liberty Middle School 3 Skill Development/Guided Practice: Pro (+)Con (-) 1.Read each statement carefully. 2.Decide whether the statements supports (pro) or does not support the spoils system (Con). 3.Add it to your graphic organizer.
Jacksonian Democracy EventPromotes Democracy Does Not Promote Democracy Evidence Jackson’s appeal to the common man in the election of The Spoils System Jackson vs. National Bank The Nullification Crisis The Indian Removal Act of 1830 Instructions: You will come back to this worksheet for each topic (LO) of this unit. This will help you to answer the proficient questions on the test. 1.Complete the concept development, read the text, and/or do the guided practice for that topic. 2.Circle evidence to show that the topic either promotes 1 or does not promote democracy. (Or both?) 3.Complete the chart. 1 promotes: supports or advances that idea
Why does it matter? Relevance: Pair-Share: What other reasons might make it important to understand this issue today? We still struggle with who should run the government: people loyal to a party or the most experienced. Elections have consequences, good and bad. Advanced Topic Research What happened to the spoils system? Encyclopedia Article: OPINION ARTICLE: Do we have a Modern Spoils System?: Exit Ticket/Closure: 1. Define the spoils system in your own words.____________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ ______ Do you agree with it?________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________