Empowering Leadership
This class is UNCLASSIFIED in its entirety—you can take these principles with you anywhere.
Objectives Be able to state two foundational principles and three methodology principles to use in empowering others. Be able to demonstrate at least one of the methodology principles on one of your peers. The effectiveness of your performance will be judged by a jury of your peers.
What can you take away from this? Most people have negative examples, negative paradigms (patterns of thinking), and negative self-views that keep them from achieving all that they can achieve. After today you will understand how to develop a vision for yourself and others that empowers people to do great things.
Warm-up Exercise (look at your handouts)
Two Foundations: Leadership is never [only] positional. Leadership casts a vision that motivates people to do more than they think they can do.
Watch this fun video and see if you can pull out the common theme from all of these speeches. Did some of the people sound angry? Why do they sound angry? Is that always a negative thing? Why/why not?
Three Principles -- The Empowerment The Example The Ethic
The Empowerment Empowerment through encouragement (How did the “good” leader encourage you?) Empowerment through asking people to do more than they think they can do...
Examples from Great Leaders or Inspiring Movies “Freedom!!!” “Never Surrender” “You’re not a quitter” “That ain’t you!” “I have a dream...” “I see something more deep down inside you” “Leave Everything Out on the Field.”
Empowerment through investing in the lives of others, sometimes at great sacrifice to yourself Who has invested in you? How did that person make you feel?
The Example(s) Lead from the front—be the example— both in inspiration and in tasks accomplished: “Do you see a person who is skilled in their work? They will stand before kings.” King Solomon Simon Birch What are others?
The Ethic Create a safe environment (How do you do that?) Respect the authorities appointed over you—leading up does not mean usurping Foster authentic and transparent relationships (What does that mean?) Don’t force it on people who don’t want it—practicing the other principles will open people’s hearts to seek you out
The Effect What effect will it have when you practice these principles on the people you are attempting to empower?
Divide into 3 groups Group 1—Discuss how you can use these principles on people “below” you. Group 2—Discuss how you can use these principles on your peers. Group 3—Discuss how you can use these principles on people “above” you. When we come back together, each group will demonstrate the principles they discussed using a pair of volunteers from their group (act it out by role-playing).
Takeaway for The Future Do you have a vision of something great you would like to see happen? What is it? How do you plan to accomplish it?