Delete CyberBullying Boston Public Schools Cyber Safety Campaign
“Cyber bullying is the use of modern communication technologies to embarrass, humiliate, threaten, or intimidate an individual in the attempt to gain power and control over them.” Cyberbullying
Harmful Bystanders Those who encourage and support the bully or watch the bullying from the sidelines, but do nothing to intervene or help the target.
Helpful Bystanders Those who seek to stop the bullying, protest against it, provide support to the target, or tell an adult. One of the most important strategies to address cyberbullying will be stimulating more students to become helpful bystanders.
Vocabulary Flaming Impersonation Denigration Harassment Intimidation
Vocabulary Public Humiliation Stalking Outing Trickery Exclusion
Online fights using electronic messages with angry and vulgar language. Flaming
text online forumsocial network
Retaliation is not the answer Avoid giving out personal details or information online Report abuse to people in charge of sites Keep records of abusive or harassing messages Strategies
Pretending to be someone else and sending or posting material to get another person in trouble or to damage that person’s reputation or friendships. Impersonation
Don’t share your passwords with anyone Be aware that not everyone online is who they say they are Strategies
“Dissing” someone online. Sending or posting gossip or rumors about a person to damage his or her reputation or friendships. Denigration
Report violations to ISP or Site Administrator Tell a trusted adult Stand up for others Don’t be a bully! Strategies
Repeatedly sending nasty, mean, and insulting messages. Harassment
Harassment tends to be crueler Global audience No escape for the victim
Block the bully Save the evidence Tell a trusted adult Contact law enforcement if you feel threatened Strategies
Communicating with someone and threatening to harm that person. Personal Intimidation
“Unblock Yahoo in the schools now! We know where you work.”
Tell a trusted adult Save the evidence Contact law enforcement Strategies
Drawing negative attention toward an individual by circulating a negative online video or message about that person. Public Humiliation
Free Speech vs. Public Safety Law Enforcement Uses Video as Evidence
Report violations to ISP or Site Administrator Tell a trusted adult Stand up for others Don’t be a bully! Strategies
Repeated, intense harassment and denigration that includes threats or creates significant fear. Stalking
Cyberstalker could be anyone Usually has some knowledge of the victim
Contact law enforcement Tell a trusted adult Avoid revealing personal information Keep records of abusive and harassing messages Strategies
Sharing someone’s secrets or embarrassing information or images online. Outing
Talking someone into revealing secrets or embarrassing information, then sharing it online. Trickery
Protect your personal information Contact site administrator to get content off Tell an adult Strategies
Food for Thought Be Smart Think before you send Understand that usually nothing is private in cyberspace Be Strong Squash the pressure Don’t give into it, don’t let your friends give in Be Responsible Don’t ask for an inappropriate photo Don’t forward or send inappropriate photos you receive
BPS Acceptable Use Policy Websense Software Alerts Criminal Investigation and Punishment School District Enforcement
BPS Cyber Safety Campaign Educate students about online safety Develop materials for BPS community Train Cyber Mentors Maintain web site, blog, & facebook
Shield Copyright Firewall Amika Online Personal Safety Cyberbullying Intellectual Property Cybersecurity
Felicia Vargas Cyber Safety Campaign Eric Esteves Karla DeLeon