Bullying: Who? What? Where? When? District: School/College: This questionnaire has been designed to find out more about the experiences and opinions of.


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Presentation transcript:

Bullying: Who? What? Where? When? District: School/College: This questionnaire has been designed to find out more about the experiences and opinions of young people with learning difficulties or physical disabilities in Hertfordshire. Please be assured that all responses are anonymous. Bullying: when you keep being picked on by someone because they think they are cooler, smarter, stronger or better than you.

How old are you? Are you Male or Female? Male Female Prefer not to say Are you a member of the LGBT+ community? (LGBT+ stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and plus incorporates all other sexual orientations). Yes No Youth Connexions are doing lots of work to support young LGBT+ including local support/social groups Could you tell us if you have: a learning difficulty or a disability ? Youth Connexions are doing lots of work to support young people with LDD including local support/social groups

1.Have you seen any bullying in school/college in the past year? Yes No Not sure 2.Have you even been a victim of bullying? Yes No Prefer not to say 3.Tell us what type of bullying you have seen or experienced? Physical (when someone pushes you, hits you or harms you in any way physically) Name calling (bullied by name calling regularly and it is hurtful) Social (leaving out, making plans and excluding others, etc.)

Cyberbullying (being bullied online, via mobile phone or on social networks) Sexual (bullying includes unwanted sexual advances/comments, sexuality, spreading sexual rumours) Other 4.Did the bullying include any of the following? Racial (bullying because of skin colour, cultural or religious background or ethnic origin) Homophobic (being bullied for your sexuality, i.e. being gay, lesbian, bi or transgender) Gender (bullied for being a boy or a girl, or that being used against you) Disability (bullied because of a disability or additional needs) Appearance (bullied for weight, body image, clothes, etc.) None of the above

5.Where did the bullying take place? School Online Local park/playing field Yes, if I was a victim Yes, if I witnessed it No In the neighbourhood Mobile phone Public transport Other 6.Would you report bullying if you are a victim or witness it?

7.Where would you go to report bullying? Teacher Counsellor Youth Worker Yes No Sometimes Other member of staff Friends Family I wouldn’t report it 8.Have you ever felt afraid of going to school because of bullying? Other

9.If you have been bullied, how did it affect you? Self-harm Family relationships Depressed Suicidal thoughts Withdrawn Angry feelings School work Friendships Self-esteem Social life Other

10.Have you heard of kooth.com, online support for young people in Herts who need to talk about any problems/issues they may have? Yes No 11.What do you think your school can do to deal with bullying?

12.Anything else you would like to add; the good and the bad. This is your space.

Strategic Commissioning & Performance Improvement Thank you for completing this survey If you have been affected by any of the issues raised through this questionnaire please contact for additional information and support. If you would like to get involved with designing and delivering services in Hertfordshire, by being a Young Commissioner, please leave your address. Herts1125 Your feedback will be included in the Hertfordshire Young People’s Manifesto 2016/17 that will be launched in October 2016.