The Application of Nanotechnology in Our Daily Life Group members :陈鑫、陆艳、王蓉融
Different aspects : Clothing Else Transportation Food Housing
Dust 、 sweat 、 sebum (皮脂) and other secretion (分泌物) may stick to our clothes.These sewage may cause the development of different kinds of microbes( 微生物 ) which will give off bad smell and finally lead to dermatitis (皮炎) and other skin diseases. If we add antibacterial agent (produced by nanotechnology) into the dye, the antibacterial agent sticking to the clothes will play it’s role, then antibacterial clothes are made. Antibacterial shirt How does it work ? Let’s see : Antibacterial cloth
1 、 Destroy the structure of bacterial or virus’ protein. Usually precious metals such as silver can do this by exchange of molecules. Since nano- materials are very small, they can diffuse easily and act efficiently so they can used as antibiotic( 抗生素, 抗菌素 ). There are two methods widely used: 2 、 Use photoelectric material. For example, TiO2 can produce holes and electronics when activated by light with specific wavelength, this will lead to ionization (电离化) of protein tissue , and achieves the sterilizing (杀菌) effect.
Some nanoparticles have strong ability of absorbing infrared ray from our body. So we can add these particles into clothing fibers to improve the ability of keeping warm of our clothes. thermal underwear Towel: extremely soft 、 good water absorption 、 never color fading 、 easy wash 、 long duration 、 good quality of decontamination.
With nanotechnology, we can mash cellulose (纤维素) into monosaccharide (单糖)、 glucose (葡萄糖) and cellobiose (纤维二 糖), thus many organics can be used as nutritive substance. With nanotechnology, we can manipulate some nucleotides ( 核苷 酸 ) in DNA or even rearrange several atoms to produce new genetic foods. Pollen (花粉) in nano-scaleGenetically Modified Food Nanotechnology brings new foods to us
New decorated houses are filled with harmful gas such as formaldehyde( 甲 醛 ) or methylbenzene (甲苯).some of them are blastomogens ( 致癌物质 ). While nanomaterials can degradation those harmful gas in the air , such as nano-TiO2, it has high degradation rate and it can turn those harmful gas into CO2 、 H2O and organic acid. TiO 2 喷雾剂降解室内甲醛 HCHO germ C6H6C6H6 Sun general nano-TiO 2 Wo~~ , energy is not enough ! ultraviolet radiation 5%!!!
Traditional paint can’t maintain for a long time and can not be washed too often. While newly produced paint with nanotechnology has good qualities. The painted wall can be washed for ten thousand times or even more which has improved by ten times. Glass and ceramic tile( 瓷砖 ) painted with nano-coating can be self- cleaning. With nano-materials’ catalysis, any particles sticking to the glass or ceramic tile including greasy dirt and bacterial will turn into gases or something that can be wiped easily under the sunshine. Newly nano-coating-liquid wallpaperNano-coating
Use nano-silver composite to produce the cavity of washing machine can enhance the tenacity 、 prolong the duration and improve the resistance of washing machine. And it also has the ability of self-cleaning. nano washing machine Nano antibacterial refrigerator Like pallet 、 rack 、 drawer 、 doorknob which might touch our body or foods were made from materials comprising of nano-antibacterial material. Thus it could prevent bacterium from staying in the refrigerator.
Nano anti skid material on road 1 、 water proof; 2 、 resistance to corrosion ; 3 、 fire resistance; 4 、 anti skid, safety; 5 、 reduce noises of vehicles; 6 、 high adhesive force, easy to wash Merits:
Reasons : nano-particles are far smaller than that of the infrared and radar’s wavelength. Supersonic wave can pass through them with little or even no reflection. Nano-particles have high specific surface, they can absorb infrared and electromagnetic wave very efficiently so infrared detector or radar receiver could just receive little reflective wave. 1 、 Body stealth : special geometrical shape to reduce the reflection of radar ; wave absorbing paint-coat ; 2 、 Engine stealth : add cooling mechanism to the gas vent in order to reduce the leak of infrared. 3 、 Electronic stealth : use passive radar instead of active radar and communication apparatus to keep electronic silence. Stealth aircraft: can not be detected easily by radar
There are still many applications of nanotechnology in our life. We only collected small part of them here, and since time is limited we have to stop here now… Nano-film used to reduce radiation of mobile phone Nokia Morph soaking seed machine