Review of chapter 2
UCR ◦ The official crime data collected by FBI from local police departments ◦ Shortcomings: If crime is not reported to local authorities it does not show up on the report Local participation is voluntary Multiple crimes are only documented as one (most serious) No federal crimes are reported
NVCS ◦ Primary source of information on criminal victimization- People are surveyed as to whether they have been the victim of: rape, sexual assault, robbery, assault, theft, household burglary and motor vehicle theft ◦ Shortcomings: Over reporting due to misunderstanding Under reporting due to embarrassment
Self-Reporting Survey ◦ A research approach that questions large numbers of groups- typically teenagers- about their own participation in delinquent and criminal acts ◦ Shortcomings: People lie Especially those with the most crime experience
GRADUAL CHANGE OVER TIME ◦ Violent Crime ◦ Property Crime ◦ Victimization Trends ◦ Self-reporting Trends
◦ Age ◦ Economy/Jobs ◦ Social Malaise ◦ Abortion ◦ Guns ◦ Gangs ◦ Drug Use ◦ Media ◦ Justice Policies
◦ If crime statistics show a pattern…then crime may be a function of that topic…therefore: society can focus on fixing that issue to lower crime.
◦ Ecology of Crime: Weather/population ◦ Fire Arms and Crimes: ◦ Social Class and Crime ◦ Age and Crime ◦ Gender and Crime ◦ Race and Crime