Ch. 12 Photography and Time-Based Media
Eadweard Muybridge. Annie G, Cantering, Saddled. December sheet: 19 x 24 in., image: 7 1/2 x 16 1/8 in.
Walker Evans. Roadside Store between Tuscaloosa and Greensboro, Alabama
Unidentified Photographer. Camera Obscura.
Photogenic drawing – process that creates negative images by coating a light sensitive chemistry onto paper and then exposing them in the light.
William Henry Fox Talbot. Mimosoidea Suchas, Acacia. c
daguerreotype – one of the earliest forms of photography, made on a copper plate and polished with silver
Louis Jacques Mandé Daguerre. Le Boulevard du Temple
Richard Beard. Maria Edgeworth /8 x 1 3/4 in.
Calotype - the first photographic process to use a negative image, invented by William Henry Fox Talbot
William Henry Fox Talbot. The Open Door
Julia Margaret Cameron. Portrait of Thomas Carlyle x 8 in.
Timothy O’Sullivan. Harvest of Death, Gettysburg, Pa
Aperture - the opening that determines the amount of light admitted by a camera lens.
Ansel Adams. Moonrise, Hernandez, New Mexico /2 x 23 in.
Joel Meyerowitz. Porch, Provincetown
Gregory Crewdson. Untitled (House in the Road) /2 x 65 1/2 in.
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Editing – The process of arranging the sequences of a film after it has been shot in its entirety.
Charlie Chaplin in The Gold Rush
Storyboard – Panels of rough sketches outlining the shot sequences for a film. Animation – Sequencing still images in rapid succession to give the effect of live motion.
William Cameron Menzies. Storyboard for the burning-of-Atlanta scene from Gone with the Wind
The burning-of-Atlanta scene from Gone with the Wind
Performance Art- Art which includes not only physical space, but also the human activity that goes on within it.
Nam June Paik. TV Bra for Living Sculpture
Trisha Brown. Walking on the Wall. From Another Fearless Dance Concert, March
Peter Fischli and David Weiss. Still from Der Lauf der Dinge (The Way Things Go)
Bill Viola. The Greeting
Jacopo da Pontormo. The Visitation /2 x 61 3/8 in.
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