Using Student Logbook in a Foundation Course Sridevi Yerrabati and Simon Walker Date: Sridevi Yerrabati and Simon Walker - Using Student Logbook for Foundation Course Students: A Case Study1
Presentation structure Introduction to case study The need for a log book Possible ways of introducing log book Introducing log book – 2 stages Findings1 – On a positive note Findings2 – On a less positive note Conclusion Sridevi Yerrabati and Simon Walker - Using Student Logbook for Foundation Course Students: A Case Study2
Introduction This case study is about how I have introduced a student log book at one of the private colleges in London. Faculty of Business Foundation Business Course (UFBC) students Sridevi Yerrabati and Simon Walker - Using Student Logbook for Foundation Course Students: A Case Study3
The need for a logbook Sridevi Yerrabati and Simon Walker - Using Student Logbook for Foundation Course Students: A Case Study4
Possible ways of introducing logbook Sridevi Yerrabati and Simon Walker - Using Student Logbook for Foundation Course Students: A Case Study5 Student log book Engaging students in designing logbook
Introducing log book – 2 stages Sridevi Yerrabati and Simon Walker - Using Student Logbook for Foundation Course Students: A Case Study6 Student log book
Findings 1 – On a positive note: Sridevi Yerrabati and Simon Walker - Using Student Logbook for Foundation Course Students: A Case Study7 Positive impact on learning Evaluating students
Findings 2 – On a less positive note: Sridevi Yerrabati and Simon Walker - Using Student Logbook for Foundation Course Students: A Case Study8 Less motivation among students Why ???
Conclusion Sridevi Yerrabati and Simon Walker - Using Student Logbook for Foundation Course Students: A Case Study9 Supported student learning Possibly more time needed for introducing
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