My Egyptian power point By Billy Lucas
Anubis Anubis is the god of mummification and guides people down to the afterlife. He is also the protector of the dead, funerals and death. His associate animal is a jackal. A Jackal is a wild black dog. You might think he is the god of the underworld but he isn’t His mother is Nephthys and his father is Osiris One of his jobs were to measure the heart on the scales of truth He dresses in black to represent the colour the corpse after embalming
Ra Ra was the god of the sun and many people believed he was also the king of the gods. He is one of the most powerful gods He is described as the creator of everything Egyptians used to build temples in honour of Ra Ra is a hawk wearing a sun on his head. It was believed that Ra was swallowed by the the sky goddess, Nut, every night.
Osiris Osiris was the God of the underworld. He was the father to Anubis and Horus His skin is a green skin represents re-birth after death. His symbol is a crook and flail His parents are believed to be Geb and Nut and he is considered to be the eldest son. He has a pharoahs beard and the lower part of his legs are bound like a mummys
Horus Horus was one of the most important gods to the Egyptians. He is the god of sky His head is of a falcon with a red and white crown. The red crown is for lower Egypt and the white crown was upper Egypt. Therefore his crown symbolises he is a god for ALL Egypt. His parents were Osiris and Isis. The sign of Horus, which is a black outline of an eye, is often used for Egypt. It symbolises healing. After a battle with his uncle, Horus lost his eye but it healed again.
Isis Isis was the goddess of health, marriage and wisdom. She is shown as a woman with a headdress shaped just like a throne and she always carries an Ankh. An Ankh is the symbol of life used a lot in Egyptian religion. She is the daughter of Geb and Nut In the pictures of her she is most like a human but occasionally she has a headdress with cow horns. Isis is often shown with wings. These wings show her ability to fan new life into Osiris and are symbols of protection.
Thank you for reading my Egyptian facts about 4 of the Egyptian Gods If you fancy playing a game of Egyptian God top trumps – please challenge yourself and see if you can beat your partner!