Date/ event: Author: Incorporating Resource Efficiency- A general approach Copenhagen Petra Ronen, CENIA
Date/ event: Author: Decoupling concept Elements of resource efficiency Examples of resource efficiency indicators Proposal of way forward Content of the presentation Copenhagen Petra Ronen, CENIA
Date/ event: Author: General concept of efficiency Efficiency is a measure of how much effort is required to achieve a required outcome. Efficiency is a measure of how much effort is required to achieve a required outcome. Examples: Examples: – fuel consumption per 100 km, greater efficiency = less fuel to travel same distance –Electricity consumption for hosehold lighting, greater efficiency = less electricity to light the same household Copenhagen Petra Ronen
Date/ event: Author: Resource efficiency Resource efficiency is a measure of how much resources is required and how much environmental impact is generated to achieve a required outcome (production, service). Resource efficiency is a measure of how much resources is required and how much environmental impact is generated to achieve a required outcome (production, service). Assessment of effectiveness (are we doing right? Are we meeting targets) is not enough. Assessment of effectiveness (are we doing right? Are we meeting targets) is not enough. Assesment of efficiency indicates how well we are doing and thus showing directions for further improvement. Assesment of efficiency indicates how well we are doing and thus showing directions for further improvement Copenhagen Petra Ronen
Date/ event: Author: Decoupling concept Term decoupling describes a situation where a growth of environmental pressure/impact is less than growth of a given economic driving force (e.g. in GDP) Term decoupling describes a situation where a growth of environmental pressure/impact is less than growth of a given economic driving force (e.g. in GDP) Copenhagen Petra Ronen
Date/ event: Author: Decoupling concept Copenhagen Petra Ronen
Date/ event: Author: Decoupling (resource efficiency) indicators Monitor progress towards sustainable use of resources Monitor progress towards sustainable use of resources ⁻ Reducing use of resources for goods and services ⁻ Reducing energy intensity of goods and services ⁻ Reducing emission of toxic substances ⁻ Maximizing sustainable use of renewable resources ⁻ Increasing service intensity of goods and services Copenhagen Petra Ronen
Date/ event: Author: Elements of resource efficiency – Physical efficiency (or resource use productivity) indicator: expressed as a ratio between measure of economic activity (in GDP, or unit of produced goods) and resource (e.g. water) used. This type of indicator is used to evaluate whether resource use is decoupled from economic growth Copenhagen Petra Ronen
Date/ event: Author: Elements of resource efficiency Copenhagen Petra Ronen – – Environmental efficiency (resource impact) indicator: expressed as a ratio between the impact of a resource used and the amount of that resource that is used. These indicators evaluate whether economic growth is decoupled from its environmental impact.
Date/ event: Author: Elements of resource efficiency Copenhagen Petra Ronen (Composite) Eco-efficiency indicator: expressed as the relation of overall economic performance (e.g. GDP) to overall environmental impact (combination of weighted pressures) associated with domestic consumption and weighted use of natural resources.
Date/ event: Author: Examples of resource efficiency indicators Copenhagen Petra Ronen Industries with highest use of surface water per euro of value produced, Netherland
Date/ event: Author: Domestic water consumption decoupled frm growth of number of hoseholds, Netherland. Examples of resource efficiency indicators Copenhagen Petra Ronen
Date/ event: Author: Examples of resource efficiency indicators Copenhagen Petra Ronen total emission from UWWTPs decoupled from population connected to UWWTPs
Date/ event: Author: Examples of resource efficiency indicators Copenhagen Petra Ronen From: Testing the Water Scarcity and Drought indicator System (WSDiS) experiences from Pilot River Basins A. Segura River Basin District
Date/ event: Author: Examples of resource efficiency indicators
Date/ event: Author: Efficiency indicators show relative changes in pressures and impacts in terms of driving force and thus supplement current indicators that measure absolute changes in pressures and impacts Efficiency indicators show relative changes in pressures and impacts in terms of driving force and thus supplement current indicators that measure absolute changes in pressures and impacts Dissagregated efficiency indicators complement the overall eco efficiency indicators as they decribe particular elements of the composite eco efficiency indicator and help to understand cause-effect relationships, which are „hidden“ in the composite indicator. Dissagregated efficiency indicators complement the overall eco efficiency indicators as they decribe particular elements of the composite eco efficiency indicator and help to understand cause-effect relationships, which are „hidden“ in the composite indicator. Why to include efficiency elements into current set of indicators? Copenhagen Petra Ronen
Date/ event: Author: Proposed way forward – Drafting a „portfolio“ of key policy questions addressing efficiency (in terms of key driving forces affecting water status) – Reviewing the current indicator set to see which ones can be extended in terms of an efficiency element (technical and/or environmental) – Draft proposal of new indicators on the basis of remaining (agreed) key questions, proposal of composite indicators – Feasibility studies in terms of data needs, methodology
Date/ event: Author: Thank you for your attention Questions: Do you think that incorporating resource efficiency elements in the assessment can provide an added value? Do you think that incorporating resource efficiency elements in the assessment can provide an added value? Do you agree with suggested way forward? Do you agree with suggested way forward? Do you have other suggestions/questions? Do you have other suggestions/questions? Copenhagen Petra Ronen