Computing requirements for the experiments Akiya Miyamoto, KEK 31 August 2015 Mini-Workshop on ILC Infrastructure and CFS for Physics and KEK Based on a draft document
ILC computing overview /8/31 ILC Infra. & CFS Mini-WS ILD/SiD data processing/ analysis Detector Operation Accelerator Operation Computing infrastructure network, security, mail, servers, operation, maintenance,… ILC Lab. Collaborating institutes This talk
Computing concepts (assumptions) Three computing elements, at IP, at Main Campus, and GRID based global computing ILC lab. provides the essential on-site computing resources for ILD and SiD data processing. Utilize the distributed computing (GRID) for reconstruction and MC, resources by collaborations IP computing A capacity to store raw data in case of the severe network outage. A computing resource for data monitoring The required resource will be small and provided by the experiments. Raw data size has been estimated in TDR. Data size is dominated by beam backgrounds (pairs). ILD case, VTX:Forward Cal: Others ~ 1:1:1. SiD is similar Raw data rate at 500 GeV is ~1GB/sec ~7 PB/year for ILD w. push-pull /8/31 ILC Infra. & CFS Mini-WS
Data processing model Raw data: - All data from detector -2 set: 1 at Main Campus 1 at other than ILC Lab. Main campus reconstruction -Prompt reconstruction for filtering GRID computing - Detail reconstruction and MC production
Reconstruction: Storage and CPU Storage and CPU requirements were estimated based on the samples produced for DBD and Snowmass study ( 500, 350 and 250 GeV) The trigger-less readout is the ILC feature. The software based event filtering and pulse-to-bunch decomposition are new challenge. We don’t know the efficiency and purity for sure. From the total cross section used for DBD/Snowmass study, about 1% of BXs will contains meaningful events. MC CPU: Rec/Sim ~ 0.1; MC Data: Sim/Rec/DST~1/1/0.02 We of assume (essentially) 2% of Bxs will pass the filter 20% of MC Sim. CPU are needed to process ALL Bxs for prompt rec. MC statistics x10 of signals Need resources during data taking /8/31 ILC Infra. & CFS Mini-WS
Requirements depend on run scenario /8/31 ILC Infra. & CFS Mini-WS H-20 run scenario ILD data rate Energy (GeV) #Pulse /sec Data rate (GB/sec)
Annual luminosity and CPU /8/31 ILC Infra. & CFS Mini-WS KEKCC ~4k cores (Prompt reconstruction )
Accumulated Lumi.and data size /8/31 ILC Infra. & CFS Mini-WS
CPU and storage needs for ILD+SiD /8/31 ILC Infra. & CFS Mini-WS
Comparison with other experiments /8/31 ILC Infra. & CFS Mini-WS Requirements for the ILC computing will be not as huge as HL LHC and below Belle-II. Ref. : 3) Takanori Hara, Computing for Belle-II, 3 March 2014, 4) Ian Bird., WLCG Workshop, Copenhagen. 12 th November
Supports by the ILC laboratory /8/31 ILC Infra. & CFS Mini-WS
Conclusion Initial attempt to estimate CPU and storage requirements for ILD and SiD was made. Large CPU and storage will be necessary, but it will be not as large as BELLE-II and LHC. Requirements for prompt reconstruction is ambiguous and serious study is awaited /8/31 ILC Infra. & CFS Mini-WS