Future Educator
Hello my name is Wendy Warren. I am a mother of three children and a wife going on ten years. I have a strong sense of family and values. I have been working in the education field for over five years and am completing my Masters in Education. I am applying for a your First Grade Position at your school. A first grade teacher very important because they are the starting point to a students education.
The philosophy of education areas that I think matter are what is expected of you by the students, parents, and yourself, your responsibility, values, method of teaching, how to know results, be a facilitator, create a learning environment, engage with colleagues and continue learning. All of these areas are needed to be a great teacher. These are areas I feel are the most important. I will work my hardest to live up to my philosophy.
I understand that classroom management is important because it creates a learning environment that will support growth and development. Roles of the students and the teacher must be clear. Students main role needs to be creative, problems solvers, become leaders, self learners, and team players. Teachers need to implement a great classroom management. The visual representation of a classroom needs to be conductive to student learning.
I will ensure that my class inspire learning and creativity, design and develop digital age learning experiences and assessments, and engage in professional growth and leadership (Assessments, 2013). I will create an implementation plan. This will include the classroom rules, how the class will be set up, the class schedule and any other key factors. I will revise this as we move through the school year.
Schools all follow different models of teaching. A public elementary schools will have different standards than a private preschool. Teacher to student ratios may differ. Though I understand at this school the ratio is 13 students to 1 teacher. Plus each class will have a student teacher that helps out. No matter what the school model is I have to use 21 st century skills in my classroom. Students need to use technology as well as hands-on and real life experiences.
Important Elements of Effective Lesson Design Teachers need to have a clear objectives. Your lesson plans need to answer certain questions like: - Are the learning objectives clear - Are they complete - Are they specific A teachers lesson plans need to consist of knowledge, skills, or attitudes the teacher will expect from their students.
Common Core Standards The focus of Common Core Standards are on developing the critical- thinking, problem solving, and analytical skills Math Common Core Standards start by a clear set of math skills and concepts in a more organized way during the school year and across all grades. The English Language Arts Standards involve reading stories and literature. It involves complex texts that contain science and social studies topics. Students are more challenged and have to use the reading to find the answers. The students will have to use critical thinking, problem solving, and analytical skills that they will use in their college, career or future lives. (Common Core State Standards 2015)
Assessments are a very important part of a teachers lessons. I will perform both summative and formative assessments. I will use these assessments to alter lessons or make changes to future lesson plans. I understand that assessments are used as evaluations in school improvement qualities. In first grade students take the SAT’s. These assessments will show how well my class is doing as well as the school as a whole.
I want to be a large part of the professional learning community. I understand that it takes everyone to ensure the success in a school. Teachers need to grow to become better teachers. Teachers need to become leaders. Their role is to advance in best practices, have new ideas, personal growth, and support learning for teachers and students through informal roles (Newman, 2013).
Assessments (International Society for Technology in Education. (2013). NETS-T-Standards Retrieved from: Common Core State Standards, (2015). Preparing America’s Students for Success. Retrieved from website Newman, R. (2013). Teaching and Learning in the 21 st Century: Connecting the Dots. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc.