Social Studies People of the Northeast Chapter 5: Lessons 2-4 Abney Elementary School
Colony A settlement of people who come from one country to live in another. By the early 1700’s there were 13 American colonies.
Revolution A fight to overthrow the government.
Plymouth, Massachusetts One of the first English colonies in North America started at Plymouth, Massachusetts.
The first shots of the American Revolution were fired at Lexington, Massachusetts, a town near Boston.
John Adams and Benjamin Franklin provided strong leadership and played important roles in writing the Declaration of Independence.
Before Washington D.C. was built, our first two capitals were in the Northeast.
New York, New York was the capital where George Washington took oath.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania was the second capital city.
A timeline shows important events that happened over a period of time.
An abolitionist was a reformer who believed that slavery should be erased, or abolished from the land.
A slave is a person who is owned as property by another person.
Frederick Douglas and Sojourner Truth addressed abolitionist meetings to tell about their lives.
The Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution made slavery illegal in the United States.
Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott organized the first woman’s rights convention in the U.S.
A convention is a meeting held for a special purpose.
In 1920, the Nineteenth Amendment to the Constitution gave women the right to vote
Commerce is the buying and selling of goods, especially in large amounts between different places.
The three largest cities- New York, New York; Boston, Massachusetts; and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania began as ports where ocean-going ships docked.
Import An item that is brought from abroad to be offered for sale.
Export An item sent from one country to be sold in another country.