A. Galoyan, V. Uzhinsky 1 Reconstruction of FTF generated events with hyperon-antihyperon production 1. Cross sections of Pbar-P processes in FTF model.


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Presentation transcript:

A. Galoyan, V. Uzhinsky 1 Reconstruction of FTF generated events with hyperon-antihyperon production 1. Cross sections of Pbar-P processes in FTF model. 2. Comparison of Pbar-P channel cross sections calculated by FTF model with exp data and DPM calculations 3. Consideration of kinematic properties of Λ, Λbar, Ks0 produced in Pbar-P interactions in FTF in comparison with exp. data and DPM results. 4. Differential cross sections of Λ-Λbar and Σ- Λbar and Λ-Σbar productions in Pbar-P reactions 5. Reconstruction and analyse of Λ-Λbar and Σ- Λbar produced in Pbar-P events generated by FTF model in PandaRoot. Geant4 9.5 realise ( Interactions of anti-baryons (including anti-hyperons) and light anti-nuclei with matter have been implemented in the Fritiof (FTF) model. This model is valid for incident anti-baryon energies from 0 to 1 TeV, and for incident anti-nucleus momenta from 150 MeV/c/nucleon up to 1TeV/c/nucleon. Corresponding anti- baryon and anti-nucleus cross section classes have also been added. New processes were added to handle inelastic reactions of anti-deuterons, anti-tritons, anti-3He and anti-alphas. (from the release Note) Simulations of Pbar - P in FTF is based on Dual Parton Model (QGSM ) Regge Phenomenology + Quarks + 1/Nf QCD A. Capella, U. Sakhatme et al. //Phys Rep. 236 (1994) 225. A.B.Kaidalov // Zeit fur Phys. C12 (1982) 63

Cross sections of Pbar-P processes in FTF model 2 Dynamics of interactions of anti-protons and anti-nuclei with nuclei in Geant4 // A.S. Galoyan, A. Ribon, V.V.Uzhinsky. PoS BaldinISHEPPXXII (2015) 049.Conference C Proceedings b)->Baryon+AntiBaryon

FTF generator in PandaRoot pgenerators/FtfEvtGen directory : binmake_FORTRAN.mk main.cc standard_FORTRAN.mk CMakeLists.txt PbarA.mac README.txt common.mk PbarP.mac Test30Material.cxx Ftfmake include G4DecKineticTracks.cxx Test30Physics.cxx G4DiffractiveExcitation.cxx G4FTFParameters.cxx Test30VSecondaryGenerator.cxx G4DecayKineticTracks.cxx G4FTFModel.cxx Test30HadronProduction.cxx > make –f Ftfmake FTFGen exe-file will be produced./FTFGen PbarP.mac (or PbarA.mac) FTF allows one to generate Pbar + P or Pbar + A events atenergy range from rest energy to 1000 GeV Now, FTF direct is also implemented in PandaRoot by Ralf Kliemt In /include directory files are added: G4DiffractiveExcitation.hh G4FTFModel.hh G4FTFParameters.hh G4DecayKineticTracks.hh To compile and run FTF inside FtfEvtGen, it is needed to give command : PndFtfGen class in PandaRoot/trunk/pgenerators directory 3

4 Validation of FTF model, Pbar-P annihilation at rest See more data in: C. Amsler F. Myhrer Ann. Rev. Nucl. Part. Sci. v. 41 (1991) 219. C. Amsler Rev. Mod. Phys. 70 (1998) 1293

Pbar-P channel cross sections with baryons in final states in FTF model and comparison with exp. data and DPM results 5 Exp. data: E.Bracci et al.,CERN/HERA 73-1(1973)

Pbar-P annihilation channel cross sections in FTF model and comparison with exp. data and DPM results 6 Exp. data: E.Bracci et al.,CERN/HERA 73-1(1973)

Inclusive Cross Sections of PbarP->Λ+X and PbarP->Ks 0 +X processes Exp.data: S. Banerjee et al., TIFR-BC-78-8 Xf and Pt 2 distributions of Ks 0 in PbarP->Ks 0 +X at Plab=0.76 GeV/c 7 Exp.data: A.M. Cooper et al., Nucl.Phys.B 136, 1978, P.365

Kinematic distributions of Λ, Λbar, Ks 0 produced in PbarP interactions at P=3.6 GeV/c exp data: S.Banerjee et al.,TIFR-BC DPM and FTF (with anisotropy of decay of antidiquark-diquark strings) results

Kinematic distributions of Λ and Ks 0 produced in PbarP interactions at Plab=12 GeV/c and 22 GeV/c Exp data: D. Bertrand et al., Nucl. Phys. B (1977) 9 DPM and FTF(with anisotropy of decay of antidiquark-diquark strings) results Exp data: B.V. Batyunya et al., Z. Phys.C (1984)

Kinematic distributions of Λ and Ks 0 produced in PbarP interactions at Plab=100 GeV/c Exp data: D.R. Ward et al., Phys. Lett. 62B 237 (1976) 10

Differential Cross Sections of PbarP->ΛΛbar and PbarP->ΣΛbar at threshold momenta (cms angle distributions) DPM and FTF with anisotropic decay of antidiquark-diquark strings results1 We removed pick in ΛΛbar cms theta distributions at threshold momenta in DPM Exp. data: P.D. Barnes et al., Phys. Rev.C, V54. N6 (exp. PS185 at LEAR)

Differential Cross Sections of PbarP->ΛΛbar at various initial energies (transfered momentum distributions) 12 Exp. data: B. Jayet et al., Nuov. Cim. A45, 371 (1978) Differential Cross Sections of PbarP->ΛΛbar, PbarP->ΛΣbar at Plab=6 GeV/c Exp. data: H. Becker et al., Nucl. Phys. B (1978)

Reconstruction and Analyse of Λ-Λbar produced in Pbar-P events generated by FTF model Pbar-P Events were calculated by FTF model at Plab=2.4 GeV/c (max of cross section for Λ-Λbar production) Events with Λ Λbar production were saved in out-put file of FTFGen run. Then, complete simulation, digitization, reco_complete and pid_complete I have performed following calculations using PandaRoot installed at heterogeneous cluster HYBRILIT at JINR For analysis of results of reco_complete and pid_complete, fast analysis Macros - quickana.C ( created by K. Goetzen) was used..x quickana.C("pid_complete.root",2.4,"Lambda0->proton pi-; Lambda0Bar-> antiproton pi+; pbarpSystem->Lambda0 Lambda0_bar",0,"mwin(Lambda0)=0.5:fitvtx:fit4c") 13

Results of Reconstruction and Analyse of Λ-Λbar produced in Pbar-P events generated by FTF model Efficiency (Lambda) = c*tau0 = cm Efficiency (Lambda_bar) = c*tau0 = cm 14

Results of Reconstruction and Analyse of Σ -Λbar produced in Pbar-P events generated by FTF model Pbar-P Events were calculated by FTF model at Plab=2.4 GeV/c events with Σ Λbar production were saved in out-put file of FTFGen run. Then, complete simulation, digitization, reco_complete and pid_complete For analysis results of reco_complete pid_complete.C, macros quickana.C was used.x quickana.C("pid_complete.root",2.4,"Lambda0_bar->antiproton pi+; Sigma0->Lambda0 gamma; pbarpSystem->Sigma0 Lambda0_bar",0,"mwin=0.5:mwin(Lambda0_bar)= 0.5:mwin(Sigma0)=0.5:fitvtx"); Calculations were performed using PandaRoot installed at heterogeneous cluster HYBRILIT at JINR 15

Results of Reconstruction and Analyse of Σ -Λbar produced in Pbar-P events generated by FTF model Efficiency (Sigma) = Efficiency(Lambda_B) = c*tau = cm 16

Conclusion 1. Pbar-P channel cross sections are calculated by FTF and DPM models and compared with exp. data. It is shown that FTF better describes some reactions than DPM generator. 2. Kinematical properties of Λ hyperons and Ks 0 mesons produced in Pbar-P processes are calculated in FTF model with anizotropic decay of diquark-anti- diquark strings and in DPM and compared with exp. data at different initial momenta. FTF and DPM results are comparable together and with corresponding exp.data. FTF reproduces Pt 2 distributions of Λ hyperons and Ks 0 mesons better than DPM. 3. Differential cross sections of ΛΛbar and ΛΣbar produced in Pbar-P interactions are calculated in FTF model with anisotropic decay of diquark-anti- diquark strings. FTF model describes these cross sections quite well. DPM model strongly overestimates ΛΛbar and ΛΣbar production at low momenta. These channels are absent in DPM generator at energies more than 4 GeV. 4. Reconstruction and fast analyse realistics events PbarP-> Λ Λbar generated by FTF were performed and mean path lengths of Λ and Λbar are defined using vertex fit. It is obtained that mean path length of Λbar is smaller than one of Λ. 5. Reconstruction and fast analyse reactions PbarP->Σ Λbar generated by FTF were done. Efficiency of Σ reconstructions two times lower than efficiency of Λbar. 17

Kinematic distributions of Λ, Λbar and K 0 (Ks or Kl) produced in PbarP interactions at Plab=32 GeV/c 1818 Exp data: M.A. Jabiol et al., Nucl. Phys.B127, 1977, P.365 DPM and FTF(with anisotropy of decay of antidiquark-diquark strings) results

FTF generator in PandaRoot pgenerators/FtfEvtGen directory : binmake_FORTRAN.mk main.cc standard_FORTRAN.mk CMakeLists.txt PbarA.mac Test30HadronProduction.c common.mk Ftfmake Test30Material.c PbarP.mac Test30Physics.c README.txt G4DecKineticTracks.c include Test30VSecondaryGenerator.c > make –f Ftfmake FTFGen executable file will be produced. FTF allows one to generate Pbar – P or Pbar – A events at energy range from 100 MeV to 1000 GeV FTFtest1.icc G4DecKineticTracks.hh Test30Physics.hh FTFtest2.icc Test30VSecondaryGenerator.hh FTFtest3.icc Test30HadronProduction.hh FTFtest4.icc Test30Material.hh Include directory: To compile FTF it is needed to give command: PndFtfGen class in PandaRoot/trunk/pgenerators directory 19

Calculation procedure: V.V. Uzhinsky and A.S. Galoyan, hep-ph/ Cross-sections of various processes in anti-P P interactions. Physics Book of PANDA Collaboration, Physics Performance Report for PANDA (AntiProton Annihilations at Darmstadt) Strong Interaction Studies with Antiprotons 20 Processes of Pbar-P interactions in DPM model Implementation: A.Galoian and V.Uzhinsky,AIP Conf.Proc.796:79,2005 New Monte Carlo implementation of quark-gluon string model of anti-p p interactions.

Results for inclusive cross sections of Antiproton – Proton reactions FTF (G4 Version ) and DPM models Rapidity distributions of pi- mesons in Pbar-P interactions. Exp data: G.D. Patel et al., Z. Phys. C - Particles and Fields 12,189, 1982 C.P. Ward et al., Nucl. Phys. B E.E. Zabrodin et al., Phys. Rev.D, V52, N3,

Results for inclusive cross sections of Antiproton – Proton reactions in FTF (G4 Version ) and DPM models Rapidity distributions of pi+ mesons in Pbar-P interactions in a wide energy range 22

Results for inclusive cross sections of Antiproton–Proton reactions P T 2 of Pi+ mesons P T 2 of Protons 23 Exp data: J. Chyla, Czech. J. Phys. B E.G. Boos et al., Nucl. Phys. B174 45, 1980 E.V. Vlasov, Z. Phys. C - Particles and Fields 13, 95, 1982

Results for inclusive cross sections of AntiProton–Proton reactions in FTF and DPM models Rapidity distributions of protons in Pbar-P interactions Exp data: E.V. Vlasov, Z. Phys. C - Particles and Fields 13, 95, 1982 G.D. Patel et al., Z. Phys. C - Particles and Fields 12,189, 1982 J. Chyla, Czech. J. Phys. B E.G. Boos et al., Nucl. Phys. B174 45,