1717 – beginning of grammar school 1717 – 1852 – part of College of Debrecen 1852 – 1894 – more strict rules - Private grammar school, 6 year grammar school Az iskola régi épülete (1798)
1894 – main buliding (Alpár Ignác) 1895 – year reformed grammar school Marching in front of the school on 1902 March 14-én
1896 – Pallagi Gyula headmaster 1896 December – Móricz in Kisújszállás „Forr a bor”
1915 – first final exam for woman 1929 – boarding school, 40 later 80 Ss
Kisújszállási Ref. „Horthy”Reálgimnázium Kisújszállási Református Gimnázium Kisújszállási Állami Gimnázium A kis ú jsz á ll á si gimn á zium nev é t fenn á ll á sa sor á n t ö bbsz ö r megv á ltoztatt á k
Ref. Horthy reálgimnázium
II. World War - German, soviet military hospital - Buliding damaged, library and archives destroyed - 2 partial years, enlisted teachers and students
1948 – nationalization of the school 1952 – named after Móricz Zsigmond Starting trainings: - Plant Engeneering(1962) - Economics (1964) - Informatics (1989)
1981 – new gymn 1982 – new student hostel 1992 – ceremonial hall to library
September – changes of supervisors Reformed Church of Kisújszállás from the Local Government
537 students - 18 classes - 4 vocational training classes 5 year language preparatory classes - intensive language and IT 4 year grammar school
4 year Ecnomony and IT classes Final exam Subjects of the FE: - compulsary subjects - optional subjects - written and oral exam
Vocational training-after Final Exam: - System Administrator (2 year) - Logistics Manager(2 year) Finishing vocational training: vocational exam
Wide range of students - high rate from neighbouring towns- ca. 60% towns, villages - student hostel (ca. 40 students)
Demographic problems: - less students - 5 leaving classes, income 2,5 classes
Excellent equipments: - Special multimedia classrooms - Modern IT laboratories - gymn - Ceremonial hall-library - Jermy Gusztáv Scientific Museum
Positive project results: - methodology developments - promoting educational tools, - Interactive Whiteboards, Projectors - student laptop program, School administration system(electronic register)
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county European Award 20
21 Varied Student life - Freshers’ Camp, Freshers’ Ball, Carneval - Students’ Day - Seniors’ Ball - School Leaving Ceremony
Sister schools: Wilamowice, Igló
Arany János poet – 1834 Móricz Zsigmond writer – Csukás István story writer- 1945
24 Móricz Zsigmond Református Gimnázium, Szakközépiskola és Kollégium 5310 Kisújszállás, Széchenyi u. 4. Telefon: 06 (59) Tel. / fax: 06 (59)