Pathways Through Apprenticeship (PTA) Supports recruiting a diverse workforce, succession planning for an aging workforce, and developing Federal talent in a manner that benefits the manager, the individual and agency. Successful completion of a PTA Pilot Registered Apprenticeship Program (RAP) gives graduates specialized experience and credentials that can be used to qualify for Federal positions. Agencies can develop robust talent pipelines while benefiting from the hiring flexibilities Pathways provides.
ETA’s PTA Pilot The PTA Pilot establishes a 1 year/2,000 hour Work Process Schedule and Related Instructional Outline for each federal career series RAP, incorporating both: * On the Job Training and * Classroom work The current PTA Pilot takes advantage of the OPM Pathways Internship program. Under the PTA Pilot, the Federal agency: Identifies a mission-critical series for which a 1-year Registered Apprenticeship Program (RAP) supports entry-level positions [GS-3 to GS-7];
Actively conducts outreach and recruitment through an Internship Pathways announcement and can also actively coordinate with career offices at local institutions of higher learning to increase the applicant pool and interest; Enrolls students competitively selected in the agency’s RAP for the applicable federal series, paring them with a manager who will supervise their training and validate their completion at year end. Upon successful completion, OA will provide a portable credential to the Apprentice for achieving the GS-series’ skill level; Agencies use the non-competitive eligibility to convert Apprentices who successfully complete the RAP and graduate from their institution of higher learning provided through the Pathways Internship Program.
Tools to Assist with Apprenticeship This link provides the Quick- Start Toolkit, Building Registered Apprenticeship Programs This link gives an overview and facts about Registered Apprenticeship This page has background information on Registered Apprenticeship features as well as testimonials from employers who use Registered Apprenticeship