The value of Location Alan Smart – ACIL Allen Consulting 7 November 2013.


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Presentation transcript:

The value of Location Alan Smart – ACIL Allen Consulting 7 November 2013

Slide 2 Location central to government policy ● Geoconnections in Canada Sharing and use of geographic information to support economic, social and environmental policies ● UK location strategy Location information to assist policy, service delivery and operational decision making ● Denmark Location data is core data to government infrastructure and economic and information policy objectives ● Inspire directive in EU Geographic information needed for good governance at all levels should be readily and transparently available.

Slide 3 And in Australia ● Spatial information strategy of Victoria ● NSW Location Intelligence Strategy ● Queensland - open data policy ● Land Information System for Tasmania ● Location Information Strategy for Western Australia ● Commonwealth – APS 200 need for sound, accurate, location-based information to support strategic decision making and policy delivery. ● ANZLIC – National Positioning Infrastructure

Slide 4 ● Accuracies of between 2cm to 1 metre now possible from augmentation to Global Navigational Satellite Systems Differential GPS RTK standalone and networked (CORS) Precise point positioning (RAIMS plus static monitors in aviation) ● Recent study of value of precise positioning for Department of Industry addresses value of precise positioning Precise location is now of increasing importance

Slide 5 Methodology for economic benefit ● Productivity effects ● Case studies plus secondary research Estimates of productivity impacts of applications Estimates of adoption ● Direct impacts on sector ● CGE modelling to estimate economy wide impacts ● Social and environmental benefits described in quantitative terms

Slide 6 Productivity and adoption

Slide 7 Adoption waves

Slide 8 Levels of adoption in 2012

Slide 9 Highest economic benefits in 2012 ● Surveying, mining, construction, utilities Site surveying Machine guidance Autonomous mining Asset management ● Agriculture Grains industry Low adoption elsewhere ● Transport and handling Intelligent transport systems Road maintenance Logistics and materials handling at ports

Slide 10 Agriculture ● Controlled traffic farming – 60 % + savings in labour and 50 % in fuel ● Inter row sowing – yield gains of 10 % ● No significant use in horticulture, wine or livestock but potential.

Slide 11 Site surveying ● Ground control for aerial surveys – savings of field staff of 75 % ● Engineering surveys and machine guidance – staff savings of 30% to 40% plus ● Monitoring sea level rise – land motion monitoring ● Infrastructure surveys – 70% savings in staff time ● Geophysical surveys – 10% reduced down time.

Slide 12 Machine guidance and automated mining ● Mine site surveying – 30% to 40 % savings in labour costs ● Autonomous haul trucks – overall productivity from 1% to 15% ● Machine guidance – 10% productivity

Slide 13 Lower impacts ● Aviation Ground Based Augmentation at Sydney airport but existing systems will remain ● Maritime Significant user – main benefits safer navigation and environmental ● Rail Surveying track and signals important Low user – legacy systems in metropolitan rail Potential use in train management systems for long haul

Slide 14 Potential applications ● Cooperative intelligent transport systems Shares information between road users, and road managers, road traffic conditions, potential hazards ● Machine guidance in construction and mining Safer construction and maintenance ● Mine automation ● “Mine of the Future™ will help us improve our sustainable development performance in several areas. The programme is designed to create next generation technologies for mining operations that result in greater efficiency, lower production costs, improved health, safety and environmental performance, and more attractive working conditions” (Rio Tinto 2012) ● Asset management Less intrusive and more efficient maintenance

Slide 15 Potential applications ● Integrated guidance systems Linking augmented GNSS with sensors, image capture and self guided vehicles such as UAVs ● Unprecedented ability for spatially related data ● Augmented reality Potential to change relationship between community, planners, surveyors, engineers and architects.

Slide 16 Sector impacts – higher output 2012

Slide 17 Sector impact – potential additional output by 2020

Slide 18 National economic results 2012 low2012 high2020 low2020 high $m GDP2,2883,7177,83213,715 National income1,6332, ,115 Private consumption ,6305,904 Investment6231,0102,1113,717 Exports1,2111,9863,8845,833 Imports ,2292,560

Slide 19 Social and environmental benefits ● Safer working environments in construction and mining ● Improved environmental monitoring and materials handling in mining ● Improved mapping of areas of cultural value ● More accurate monitoring of sea level rise and mapping of the coastal environment ● Reduced impact on communities of construction and maintenance programmes ● Reduced fuel consumption and emissions through cooperative intelligent transport systems ● More efficient application of fertiliser and reduced contaminant runoff in agriculture ● Safer air and sea travel and reduced risk of environmental damage from oil spills ● Reduced prices generally through lower costs in agriculture, mining, energy and water, construction and transport.

Slide 20 Conclusions ● The importance of location is now well recognised in Australia and around the world. ● The main sectors benefitting have been agriculture, mining, construction, utilities and road transport ● Significant potential for much greater benefits but will require Greater coverage by compatible augmentation services Greater levels of adoption by the above sectors Innovation in applications linking augmented GNSS with other sensors, data capture, remote vehicles and possibly augmented reality. ● Earliest benefits likely to be in the above sectors Rail, maritime and aviation will be slower to adopt partly because of legacy systems and partly because of the need to consult on regulation and international standards. ● Potential for productivity improvement from waves of adoption of precise positioning and other technologies offers opportunities for Australia to improve productivity and build and maintain our competitiveness and a sustainable future.

Slide 21 Thank you