Show your child you care about SCES!! Warning!!! Who let the dogs IN … SCES? Yes, it’s true there will be DOGS in your child’s classroom … WatchDOGS, that is! Dads* are invited to join the pack. Spend a day at SCES. Read stories. Do math. Assist in a science experiment. Eat lunch with your children and their friends. Help teachers, staff and kids. Give tons of high-five’s. Find out if you are smarter than a 5th grader. Show your child you care about SCES!! To learn more and sign up for your special day(s), come to our: WatchDOGS Orientation for new D.O.G.S. (Dads of Great Students) Monday, September 28th 6:30pm – Library For more information, contact Marsha Emch at or visit the SCES PTA website: *also grandfathers, uncles, etc. This is a National Program to encourage fathers to be active in their children’s school.