C HOSEN FAMOUS P OLISH EMIGRANTS Migration in the past, the present and the future - problems and opportunities LLP Comenius, AUTOMOTIVE SCHOOL GDAŃSK POLAND
General Władysław Anders Migration in the past, the present and the future - problems and opportunities LLP Comenius, Year and place of birth 1892, Błonie Year and place of death 1970, London, Great Britain Domain General of Polish Army Emigrated to Great Britain Achievements Commanding general during the I and II World War (battles of Monte Cassino, Ankona) commander-in-chief of Polish Army – sucessor of Polish President
Kazimierz Brandys Migration in the past, the present and the future - problems and opportunities LLP Comenius, Year and place of birth 1916, Łódź Year and place of death 2000, Paris, France Domain Prose writer, script writer Emigrated to Since 1981 in France Achievements The author of e.g.: „A man doesn’t die”, „Kings’ mother”, „Undefeated town”, „Between wars” 1952 – Officer’s cross of Polish Order of National Rebirth Prato-Europa award Ignazio Silone award 1993 – French Order of Fine Arts and Literature 1998 – Polish PEN Club Jan Parandowski award „In the whole nature there is nothing less vurnelable than a human being touched by wonderful curse of honesty”
Apolonia Chałupiec (Pola Negri) Migration in the past, the present and the future - problems and opportunities LLP Comenius, Year and place of birth 1896, Lipno Year and place of death 1987, San Antonio, United states of America Domain Actress, silent cinema star (over 60 films) Emigrated to 1917 – Germany, 1923 – The USA (Hollywood) Acheivements Poland: „Senses slave, „Wife”, „Students, „Beast” Germany: „Mia mummy’s eyes”, „Carmen”, „Madame du Barry” Sumurun”. USA: „The Spanish Dancer”, „Forbidden Paradise”, „Hotel Imperial”, „Loves of an Actress”. During her trip she was stopped on the border in Sosnowiec. There she got to know the chief of border guard and they got married the same year. In 1922 they divorced. Pola Negri is also known because of the affairs with Charlie Chaplin and i Rudolp Valentino.
Fryderyk Chopin Migration in the past, the present and the future - problems and opportunities LLP Comenius, Year nad place of birth 1810, Żelazowa Wola Year nad place of death 1849, Paris, France Domain Composer, pianist Emigrated to Germany, Austria, France Achievements The greatest Polish romantic composer The author of : 2 piano concertos, 57 mazurka’s, 16 polonaises and many other musical forms e.g. sonata b-moll with funeral march Piano virtuoso called „Piano poet” Every 4 years there is an International Pianist Competition under F. Chopin’s name Year 2010 was the year of Chopin. „Time is the best censorship and patience - the best teacher.”
Ignacy Domejko Migration in the past, the present and the future - problems and opportunities LLP Comenius, Year and place of birth 1802 Niedźwiadka Wielka, Russian annexed teretory Year and place of death 1889 Santiago de Chile, Chile Domain Geologist, mineralog, mine engineer Emigrated to Germany, France, Chile Achievements The founder of geology basics in Chile thanks to him minig industry developed in Chile. He propagated education in Chile and improved it’s level.
Kazimierz Funk Migration in the past, the present and the future - problems and opportunities LLP Comenius, Year and place of birth 1884, Warsaw Year and place of death 1967, New York, The USA Domain Biochemist Emigrated toGermany and Austria (science), France, Germany, Great Britain, since1939 the United States of America Achievements The founder of vitamin science, inventor of the word „vitamin” (vita – life, amin – chemical compound). He discovered vit. B1. He studied hormons and sickness reasons (cancer, diabetes, stomach ulcers, scurvy, rickets). He created a few new medicines. „ Vitamins are essential for vital functions of every living cell both in animals and plants …”
Józef Korzeniowski (Joseph Conrad) Migration in the past, the present and the future - problems and opportunities LLP Comenius, Year and place of birth 1857, Berdyczów Year and place of death 1924, Bishopsbourne, Grat Britain Domain Writer, journaslist (he wrote in English) Emigrated to France, Great Britain Achievements The author of novels, short stories, dramas, and memories e.g.: „Almayer's Folly”, „Lord Jim”, „Nostromo”, „The heart of darkness” Classic author in world’s literature „We live, as we dream – alone.”
Witold Gombrowicz Migration in the past, the present and the future - problems and opportunities LLP Comenius, Year and place of birth 1904, Małoszyce (Congressional Kingdom) Year and place of death 1969, Vence, France Domain Writer Emigrated to France, 1939 – Argentina, 1963 – Germany, France Achievements The author of : „Ferdydurke”, „Iwona, Princess Burgunda”, „Pornography”, „Trans-Atlantic” (all those novels were about national identity abroad, showing it in a grotesque way) 1968 – candidate for Nobel Prize in Literature „Emptiness. Dessert. Nothing. Only me here. Only me.”
Tadeusz Kościuszko Migration in the past, the present and the future - problems and opportunities LLP Comenius, Year and place of birth 1746, Mareczowszczyzna Year and place of death 1817, Solura, Switzerland Domain Polish and American general, engineer building fortifications (e.g. In the USA) Emigrated to 1769 – France, 1775 – Germany, 1777 – USA, Switzerland Achievements He took part in the war of independence in the USA (1775–1783). Commander of the Polish army in the uprising against Russia and Prussia. Commander-in-chief of the Polish Army during insurrection in He was decorated with an Order of White Eagle.
Zygmunt Krasiński Migration in the past, the present and the future - problems and opportunities LLP Comenius, Year and place of birth 1812, Paris, France Year and place of death 1859, Paris, France Domain Poet, one of the three poets of the romanticism period Emigrated to Germany, Italy, Russia, France Achievements Author of e.g.: „Non-Devine Comedy”, „Gothic stories”, „Day-Break”, „Psalms of the Future ”, „Fantasy of Life”, „Letters to Dauphine Potocka” „Bad luck, like love binds, people together ”
Ernest Malinowski Migration in the past, the present and the future - problems and opportunities LLP Comenius, Year and place of birth 1818, Seweryny, Russian annexed teretory Year and place of death 1899, Lima, Peru Domain Railway and road engineer Emigrated to France, Algeria, Peru, Ecuador Achievements He built railways and railway infrastructure in Peru, Ecuador. He was a designer and builder of Central Transandino railway. Professor of topography and mathematics in Lima.
Adam Mickiewicz Migration in the past, the present and the future - problems and opportunities LLP Comenius, Year and place of birth 1798, Zaosie, Russian annexed teretory Year and place of death 1855, Konstantynopol, Turkey Domain poet, activist, political writer, one of the three poets of the romanticism period Emigrated to Since 1824 sent into exile in Russia, since 1832 France Achievements Leading poet of romanticism period, poet and slavic bard. The founder of filomat society (national and patriotic organisation). The author of poems, sonnets, lirycs and compulsory books in Polish schools: „Pan Tadeusz”, „Dziady”, „Oda do młodości”, „Ballads and romances ”, „Crimean sonnets”, „Księgi narodu polskiego i pielgrzymstwa polskiego”… „Nightingale in the voice and fox at heart.”
Czesław Miłosz Migration in the past, the present and the future - problems and opportunities LLP Comenius, Year and place of birth 1911, Szetejnie, Great Lithuanian Principality Year and place of death 2004, Cracow Domain Lawyer, dyplomat, writer, translator Emigrated to France (political asylum), The USA Osiągnięcia Autor np.: „Enslaved mind”, „Issa Valley”, „Looking for the homeland”; many poems, essays. 1978 – awarded with Neustadt International Prize for Literature (LittleNobel) Prize 1980 – Nobel Prize in Literature Professor of Californian University in Berkeley and Harvard University Knight member of the White Eagle Order He was an owner of the title: Righteous among the Nations of the World „We always hope that things will get better, because others are better than us.”
Helena Modrzejewska (Jadwiga Helena Misel) Migration in the past, the present and the future - problems and opportunities LLP Comenius, Year and place of birth 1840, Cracow Year and place of death 1909, Newport Beach, The USA Domain Actress Emigrated to since 1876 – The USA Achievements One of the most beautiful women of her times. She was successful abroad e.g. in California Theatre 1893 she gave a lecture during women’s congress in Chicago (World’s Fair Auxiliary Congress) - she talked about the situation of women under the occupation in both Russia and Prussia. Year 1879 (in the times of Russian occupation) - 17 students from secondary school, who wanted to pay tribute to her bought her flowers with the ribbon in national colors and with the writing in Polish language: „For Helena Modrzejewska from secondary school students”. The students were accused of political demonstration and expelled from school, they were not allowed to go to any other school. One of the students committed suicide and actress took part in his funeral.
Cyprian Kamil Norwid Migration in the past, the present and the future - problems and opportunities LLP Comenius, Year and place of birth 1821, Laskowo-Głuchy Year and place of death 1883, Paris, France Domain writer, painter, sculptor, philosopher Emigrated to The USA, 1854 – Great Britain, France, Osiągnięcia One of the greatest poets of the romanticism period. Important works: „Bema pamięci żałobny rapsod”, „Klaskaniem mając obrzękłe prawice...”, „Vade-mecum”, „Promethidion”, „Black flowers”, „White flowers” the author of over 15 paintings (np. Matins ”). The ground of Europe is breaking – and we had the choice betwwen the depths of the sees, or Asian embassy mercy, I – flew away, like pigeouns, leaving the treason to snakes and amphibians.”
Tadeusz Sędzimir (Sendzimir) Migration in the past, the present and the future - problems and opportunities LLP Comenius, Year and place of birth 1894, Lwów Year and place of death 1934, Jupiter, The USA Domain Engineer, inventor Emigrated to China, 1829 – The USA Achievements He founded first wire, nails and screws factory in China (Shanghai). „Edison of metallurgy”. The author of 120 patented inventions (e.g. Sendzimir’s process production line for constant rolling of metal plates- cold rolling, planetary mill– hot rolling). He oponed a company in the USA, that produced equipment for metal rolling – it is still opened. In 80. XX century over 90% of world’s sainless steel underwent Sendzimir’s process Planetary mill
Henryk Sienkiewicz Migration in the past, the present and the future - problems and opportunities LLP Comenius, Year and place of birth 1846, Wola Okrzejska Year and place of death 1916, Vevey, Switzerland Domain Writer Emigrated to 1876 – The USA, 1878 – Great Britain, Switzerland Achievements The author of the thrilogy: „With Fire and Sword”, „The Deluge”, „Pan Michael”, and „ Połaniecy family”, „Quo vadis”, „The Teutonic Knights”, „In Desert and Wilderness”. Knight memeber of French Legion d’Honneur. Nobel Prize in Literature in 1905.
Maria Skłodowska-Curie Migration in the past, the present and the future - problems and opportunities LLP Comenius, Year and place od birth 1867 Warsaw, Russian annexed teretory Year and place of death 1934 Passy, France Domain Phisicist, chemist Emigrated to France (since studies, 1891) Achievements Precursor of radiochemistry. She inventred the theory of radioactivity, technique of separating radioisptope. She discovered radian and polonium. She was given the Noble Prize twice (1903, 1911). „Radian shouldn’t enrich anybody. It belongs to everybody.”
Juliusz Słowacki Migration in the past, the present and the future - problems and opportunities LLP Comenius, Yaer and place of birth 1809, Krzemieniec Year and place of death 1849, Paris, France Domain Writer, one of three poets of the romanticism period Emigrated to 1831 – Great Britain, France, Switzerland Achievements He wrote poems, dramas e.g.: „Kordian”, „Beniowski”, „Balladyna”, „Ode to freedom”, „ Agamemnon’s grave”, „My last will”, „Journey to the Holy Land from Neapol” The founder of genesis philosophy (discussion about role of man and nation in history) „I’m the statue of man on the statue of the world.”