Falls Cause Serious Injuries + If you fall from a height of more than 6 feet you can be seriously hurt + If you trip at ground level, you can get: A head injury, or Fractures + The result is painful rehabilitation and a loss of income
You Will Get Hurt If: + Something makes you trip or fall + Something drops on you + Your protective equipment breaks + You have the wrong protective equipment
Three Keys To Working Safely + Use your fall protection equipment, every time + Stay away from the edge + Wear a hard hat
Staying Safe Up High: + Platforms or stairs get you up there safely + Guardrails keep you safe once you are up high + Edges on the guardrail keep tools and other objects from falling
Ramps, Bridges and Hand Rails + Ramps give you a safe way to get to work areas + Bridges connect work areas or ramps + Hand rails keep you from falling over the edge
Warnings and Safety Nets + Warning lines caution you about the approaching danger of an unprotected edge + Safety nets are there to: Catch you if you fall Protect you from impact
It Hurts When You Land!! + Stopping is the painful part of falling! + Your injury is determined by: Things in your path Things you land on How fast you are going when you hit How far you fall
You Need Fall Arrest Equipment When you: + Are high above the ground + Need to keep your hands free to work + Are working on an open edge + Have to be suspended above the ground to do your job
Personal Fall Arrest Systems + Body Harness + Proper D-ring positioning + Lanyard + Anchor
Equipment and Work Area Inspections + Inspect fall arrest equipment before you use it + Have a clear area to drop in, to prevent dangerous puncture wounds
Other Ways To Save Your Life! + Don’t use knots (they can untie) + Connectors keep you safe Snaphooks (self-locking) Ring + Keep the line away from sharp objects
How Do You Make Sure The Equipment Works Every Time? Inspect it every time you use it. There shouldn’t be: + Tears or cracks in the lines + Ripped stitches + Burrs on the metal + Alterations of the equipment
Trips Can Cause Serious Injuries You can prevent injury by: + Walking, not running + Watching for obstacles in your path, such as a skid of product, a misplaced waste container or a pallet jack + Maintaining your work area + Reporting accidents that are “waiting to happen”
It’s Your Life, Stay Safe + Know your work area + Know your fall arrest equipment + Use the protection you need + Make sure your equipment always works + Report problems + Listen for, watch for and recognize hazards