Joint Stock Company "Uzgeoburneftegaz« JOINT STOCK COMPANY "BUHORONEFTGAZPARMALASH" 2015
1. General information. 2. Information on shareholders. 3. Organizational structure. 4. Main activities. 5. Production capacity. 6. Partners. 7. Potential competitors. 8. The volume of work performed and the receipt of funds. 9. Contact Information.
JSC "Buhoroneftgazparmalash" - a drilling company that provides maintenance services for drilling oil and gas wells. The company carries out its activities in the Bukhara-Khiva and Ustyurt oil and gas regions. The company has significant manufacturing facilities and equipment that enables to provide maintenance services in the oil industry at a qualitative level. “Buhoroneftgazparmalash”’s business strategy is to ensure sustainable and balanced development of the oil resources of our customers and highly skilled workforce levels. The company has a unique workforce. Teams of our drilling crews are distinguished by highly qualified personnel. Every employee of our company has experience in working on drilling rigs Uralmash - ZD, Uralmash - 4E and ZJ-50. The average seniority is years. The company has already experience in providing services for drilling wells major regional oil and gas companies, such as LLC "Mubarekneftegaz", LLC "Gazlineftegazdobycha and« Ustyurtgaz. "
Drilling of oil and gas wells for any purpose (exploitation,exploration and appraisal wells) and profiles (vertical, directional and horizontal).
Today the park rigs of our company has 12 units, which of them 5 - modern drilling rigs made in China, the other 7 rigs Uralmash 3D and 4E. JSC "Buhoroneftgazparmalash" has in its division; - Central Engineering Service, - - three regional engineering services, drilling crews, - - the base production services, which includes a mechanical workshop, hire and repair shop, electrical repair shop, shop for harness and a garage.
Park includes vehicles - 65 units of various equipment. Including : - 14 passenger cars - 18 lorry trafic - 16 buses - 17 units of special equipment (cranes, bulldozers, tractors)
The total number of company employees people Including : - 4 people - leadership people - employees people – workers
№Name unit of measure ment Forecast IPenetrationm II Capital investments million sum IIIBalance sheet profit million sum IVNet profit million sum
Oil and gas extracting companies: -LLC "Mubarekneftegaz" - LLC "Gazlineftegazdobycha" - LLC "Ustyurtgaz" Service companies: JSC “Neft va gaz kuduklarini sinash" - Customer Service for directional and horizontal drilling.
Drilling companies which are also included in the JSC "Uzgeoburneftegaz": - JSC "Kashkadaryo parmalash ishlari" - LLC "Ustyurt BDS" - JSC "Surhondare parmalash ishlari" - JSC "Kokand parmalash ishlari"
Address: , Republic of Uzbekistan, Bukhara region, Karaulbazar, str. A. Navoi - 25 Tel. (0365) ; Fax (0365) ; Website: Chairman of the Board - Mamadaliev Chori Musirmonovich