Chapter 10 – Using Verbs Correctly Basic Past, Present, and Future Tense Explained Page : Irregular Verbs and ESL Tips! Try it out! Do the Exercise on Page 272. How many verb errors did you catch?
GRAMMAR SECTION: Active/Passive Voice and Consistent Tense
Consistent Verb Tense When we write, we need to keep our verb tense consistent unless there we shift to talking about a different time and it makes sense to change the tense. (See p. 240) This is a required (meaning correct, appropriate) tense shift: Even though she cleans the counter every day, (present – habitual action) she found ants in her kitchen last week. (past)
Consistent Tense Cont. This is an unnecessary, incorrect tense shift: I went to Disneyland last week. We go on all of the rides and buy souvenirs. How can we correct this sentence?
Consistent Tense Incorrect: I went to Disneyland last week. We go on all of the rides and buy souvenirs. Correct: I went to Disneyland last week. We went on all of the rides and bought souvenirs. The present tense verbs “go” and “buy” have been changed to reflect the fact that these events happened in the past (last week).
Practice Quiz: Do exercise 9-9 on 241 Make the verb tense consistent, and choose the tense that makes the most sense with what the sentence is saying. We will do #1 and #2 as a class. Do Exercise 9-10 on page This exercise includes shifts in person, number, and verb tense. One of the sentences is correct. Write “correct” beside that one.
Subject-Verb Agreement This is a problem area that occurs mostly with present tense verbs and third person nouns. – Singular subjects = add an "s" or an "es" onto the end of the verb base – Plural subjects = no "s" Example: The student likes the teacher. The students like the teacher.
Tricky Subject-Verb Agreement P lists three situations where subject-verb agreement can be tricky: 1. Verbs that come before their subjects. – Ex: There are three spiders on the floor. 2. Words are placed between the subject and the verb. – Ex: The group of football players practices every afternoon. 3. Compound subjects (treat like a plural – no “s” on the verb) – Rachel and Tina study before each test.
More Verb Tenses: Perfect Tenses and Participles Most of you know about simple past, simple present, and simple future tenses. Two of the most basic forms verbs take in English are the base (present tense) verb and the past tense form. (Add – ed to the base for regular verbs.) Example: work (present) and worked (past)
New Verb Forms Now, we're going to add two more verb forms: (There is a complete list of the different tenses on p. 559) These forms are called The Present Participle The Past Participle
The Present Participle The PRESENT PARTICIPLE of a verb is formed by adding –ing to the base of the verb. Simple present tense: drive Present Participle: is driving Remember, -ing verbs (present participles) MUST have helping verbs accompanying them. Wrong: The mayor running for reelection. This sentence is missing a helping verb. Right: The mayor is running for reelection. Added the helping verb "is."
The Past Participle The PAST PARTICIPLE of a verb is the form of the verb used with the helping verbs have, has, or had. For most verbs in English, the past participle of a verb is spelled the same way as the simple past form of the verb. Example: I have copied the chapter from the book so I can read it later. However, many verbs in English have irregular past participles. (List on p ) Example: I have spoken to the landlord about the problem. “spoken” is the past participle of “speak”
The Perfect Tenses Verb tenses using the Past Participle are called PERFECT TENSES. PRESENT PERFECT TENSE talks about an action that, at the present time, has already been completed. (Highlights the fact that the action is already done.) How to use it: Have/has + past participle I have finished my courses and I will receive my degree next week.
Perfect Tense Continued PAST PERFECT TENSE talks about an action that was completed in the past by the time that some other action happened. How to use it: Had + past participle By the time that I noticed the door was open, the three dogs had escaped. FUTURE PERFECT TENSE talks about an action that WILL BE completed in the future by some specific time in the future.. How to use it: Will +have + past participle In October, I will have owned my car for three years. (October is in the future…) When she comes back from her vacation, she will have spent three weeks in Hawaii. (She isn't back yet.)
Another Warning about MySkillsLab: The Verb Tense Section for Week 9 In the "recall" section, there's a part where you have to click on the incorrect verb. This might give you problems because they don't explain what they want very clearly. For example, if the sentence MySkillsLab gives you is: “She be living with her sister,” your first impulse will probably be to change “be” to “is.” However, if you click on "be" you have to type in "is living" in order to get credit. In other words, even if you click on the one wrong word, you have to retype the entire verb phrase.
Active and Passive Voice p. 277 In sentences that are ACTIVE VOICE, the subject performs the action of the verb. Example: John hit the ball through the stained glass window. Who did the hitting in this sentence? The subject (John) did. In sentences that are PASSIVE VOICE, the action of the verb happens to the subject. The subject does not do anything. Example: The stained glass window was broken during the game. What did the subject (the window) do? Nothing.
When to use Active or Passive Voice In most situations, active voice is the better choice for your writing. It is less wordy, and it forces you to be more specific. Passive: The little boy was put to bed by his father. Active: The father put the little boy to bed. less wordy, smoother, easier to read.
Is Passive Voice ever a good thing? Passive voice is a good choice when it is unknown who performed the action. Example: The painting was stolen last month. (By whom? We don’t know….) Passive voice also works well when the person/thing the action happened to is more important that the person/thing that performed the action. Example: The president was attacked by a masked man. (We want to draw attention to the fact that it was the president who was attacked. The masked man is less important.)
Practice with Active and Passive Voice Rewrite the sentences in exercise and in p so that they use active voice instead of passive voice.
BREAK TIME! Please return in 15 minutes DON’T be late! I will be passing out the prompt for the Identity Essay.
Pass out Essay 1 Prompt Let’s read the full prompt together carefully. Highlight things you need to remember, and take notes of any ideas you have. This essay is a example essay that may use narrative elements, similarly to your previous essays. This time, however, you will be focusing tightly on a specific thesis (main point) that you are making regarding something that has had an impact on your identity – Identity = how you see yourself and the world around you.
What are some of the major factors that influence our identity? Let’s brainstorm a list together! We probably came up with quite a variety of factors and issues that have an impact our identity. Some of the ones we will be talking about in connection with Essay 1 are: – Culture Also subcultures (discuss) – Language Our fluency or lack of fluency in a language and the struggles that come with it. – Our Bodies Gender/Physical Sex Body Image (discuss) Able-bodied/Disabilities (discuss)
Read, pair, share Read “What My Culture Means to Me” on page 411 in Pathways Discuss the reading, and answer question 4.
Discuss: Tell me about one of the cultures you belong to Perhaps one that is different than the one you wrote about for Essay 1? What are some of the special or unique things about that culture that a reader from a different culture might be interested in reading about? The definition of “culture” is: “the behaviors and beliefs characteristic of a particular social, ethnic, or age group.” Remember, culture is not only your race or ethnicity. It can definitely those things, but it can also be the “culture” you share with your friends—your “subculture” relating to your passions, your hobbies, your interests. Culture is where you come from, but it can also be what you love.
Read, pair, share Read “Light Skin vs Dark Skin” on page 536 in Pathways Discuss the reading, and answer question 3 and 5.
Discuss: In what ways to our bodies have an impact on our identity? Let’s brainstorm all the different ways that things about our bodies can have an impact on how we see ourselves and the world around us.
Read, pair, share Read “Saying ‘Adios’ to Spanglish” on page 414 in Pathways Discuss the reading, and answer question 1 and 3.
Discuss What are some of the different ways in which language and language proficiency (or other issues relating to word/reading/writing) can have an impact on how we see ourselves, how other people see us, and how we see the world?
BRAINSTORMING Make a list of all of the different topics you might write about. Culture and Identity Language and Identity Body and Identity Check out the example thesis statements on the back of your prompt! Pick one of the topics from your list and write a narrowed topic sentence with a controlling idea. Too Vague: “My culture has lots of interesting things about it.” Narrow and Specific: “In my subculture of science fiction fans, making costumes for conventions requires a lot of skill and gets the person who made the costume a lot of respect.”
Reminders: How to Illustrate by Examples Use descriptive writing. (See p ) Ask “the reporter’s questions” – Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How Constantly ask yourself, “What would someone who wasn’t there need to know?” Think about the attitude or feeling you want to get across in each part of your narrative and choose words and pieces of description that support that feeling.
Essay Development: Using Specific Details Wherever possible in your essay, use specific details instead of general ones. – Use examples to explain and illustrate. – Refer to people who are important to the narrative by their names whenever possible. – Refer to specific numbers, times, and places. – Add facts and explanation to statements that might mean different things to different readers. – Remember, you are drawing from your experience. Make it unique to you.
Importance of Transitions However you choose to arrange the details and events in your essay, you will need transitions to guide your reader from one idea to the next. – Transitions tell your reader how each new section or detail connects with what came before. – Transitions help your readers to understand the order of events. – See lists of common transitions for different purposes on pages 376 and 379.
Veteran’s Day and Identity Essay Due Next week (Week 11 - November 11) we do not have class due to the Veteran's Day Holiday. Your third essay assignment will be a short essay that will not include drafts or peer review. This is your opportunity to practice your time management skills and your ability to write a paper with only ONE required deadline. Today we introduced this essay and discussed it in class. If you know anyone who missed class, you should tell them to download the prompt and read it thoroughly. The final draft of this Identity Essay is due on November 18, which is the next time I will see you. See you in two weeks!