From using a neighbour’s dustbin to driving in the bus lane or pinching stationery from work, we knowingly break five rules every week – 16,250 acts of rebellion in the average lifetime.
Top 6 crimes we commit in UK 1. Speeding 2. Talking on a mobile/texting while driving 3. Dropping litter 4. Illegally downloading music 5. Cycling on pavements 6. Eating or drinking while driving
From 1 to 5 rate the classroom rules that you think are most annoying or unimportant. STUPID RULES! It is illegal to die in the Houses of Parliament in the UK In Alabama, it is illegal to be blindfolded while driving a vehicle In Switzerland, a man may not urinate standing up after 10pm
Psychologist Professor Cary Cooper, of Lancaster university, said that we break rules we don’t perceive as serious. He said: “ People might rationalise something like dropping litter to themselves as, ‘Well, I pay my taxes for someone to pick up after me’. “We see these minor municipal rules as insignificant but if everybody broke them there would be no books in the library and rubbish all over the place.” He said the worst rule-breakers would change their ways if they faced on-the-spot fines or the public was more willing to give them a tongue-lashing.
Speeding & Aggressive Driving Speeding – defined as "exceeding the posted speed limit, driving too fast for conditions, or racing" – is a dangerous driving behavior that is often overlooked.speed limit Despite progress in other areas, such as increased seat belt useage and fewer drunk driving deaths, speeding continues to be a contributing factor in a significant number of roadway fatalities. In 2014, there were 9,262 people who died in speeding-related crashes (28% of all fatalities)
STUPID RULES! Think of 1 good reason why we need the Stupid Rules that you listed previously.
Colombia is 83 out of 163 registered countries. Least corrupt countries
According to a paper published in Nature, British people were the most honest just ahead of Swedes, Germans, Lithuanians and Italians. The least honest people – according to this test -- were from Tanzania, Morocco, China, Vietnam and Colombia.
WHAT REALLY GETS ME… What annoys you in the classroom?
CLASSROOM AGREEMENTS Let’s choose ones that help us to work happily together!