Chapter 3: Erosion and Deposition MS – ESS2-2: Construct an explanation based one evidence for how geoscience processes have changed Earth’s surface at.


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Presentation transcript:

Chapter 3: Erosion and Deposition MS – ESS2-2: Construct an explanation based one evidence for how geoscience processes have changed Earth’s surface at varying time and spatial scales. What are the forces of erosion that shape our Earth’s surface?

DSV: Explain a time that you experienced a slide and fell. How did it feel? Question: What forms of erosion are caused by gravity? Task: Read pages 89 – 91. Identify the four kinds of erosions caused by gravity and characteristics of each. What thinking map will you use to classify the different kinds of erosion? Use the handouts provided by the teacher to explain them (or the book). When finished with one handout, switch for another one. Convert your thinking map into an English paragraph that answers the question. Challenge: Research in the news a recent form a erosion by gravity that occurred. Explain which kind it was and how you know (use evidence from the book). Making a Difference: Find erosion by gravity happening here at CSDR (or Riverside). Type a letter that explains which form it is, and what can be done to prevent further erosion. Science Textbook Pg Erosion by Gravity RST Text Structure

DSV: Tell me about a time that you were carried by a water’s current? Question: What forms of erosion are caused by water’s currents? Task: Read pages Identify the four kinds of erosions caused by water. Decide which Thinking Map to use to demonstrate the kinds of erosion. Use the handouts provided by the teacher to explain them. Share your two with somebody from the other group. Convert your thinking map into an English paragraph that answers the question. Challenge: Research a form of erosion by water that occurred. Explain which kind it was and how you know (use evidence from the book). Make a Difference: Find a local (in Southern California) land formation that was shaped through erosion by water. Find out how far it is from Riverside and submit a proposal to Ms. Durham, justifying the educational value of the trip as it pertains to science. Science Textbook Pg Erosion by Water RST Text Structure WHST Coherent Writing

DSV: Tell about a time you felt the force of a wave. Question: What forms of erosion are caused by waves? Task: Read pages Identify the three kinds of erosions caused by waves. Decide which thinking map to use to categorize the different kinds of erosion by waves. Use the book descriptions to explain the three kinds. Convert your thinking map into an English paragraph that answers the question. Challenge: Research a famous land formation on a beach and explain which form of erosion by waves caused it. Justify your answer, explaining why it is not the other forms. Make a Difference: Research ways to protect the shorelines from wave erosion and things that we can do to help prevent it. Write an article and present it to the class. Science Textbook Pg Erosion by Waves RST Integration of Knowledge WHST Coherent Writing

Powerpoint Slide Science Textbook Pg Erosion by Wind RST Integration of Knowledge WHST Coherent Writing DSV: Explain a time you felt the force of the wind. Question: What forms of erosion are caused by wind? Task: Read pages and look at Figure 18. Identify the three kinds of erosions caused by wind. Model the kinds with a ball and show the teacher. Determine which Thinking Map will be used to demonstrate the different kinds of erosion. In your log, make the thinking map with expansions from the book descriptions. Convert your thinking map into an English paragraph. Challenge: Look at pictures provided by Ms. Durham, and identify which form of erosion by wind it is. Justify your answer, explaining why is in not ______ and _______, but why it is _______. Make a Difference: Research a form of natural disaster that has happened in the last year via wind erosion. Think of a way to help that community and share with the class what you did.

DSV: Explain a time where you saw plucking happening? Question: How does erosion by glaciers occur? Task: Read page 117 and look at figure 22. As a group, identify the 3 steps for erosion caused by glaciers. Decide which thinking map to use to show the process of erosion. Complete your thinking map, using information from the book. Convert your thinking map into an English paragraph that answers the question. Challenge: Research a specific glacier that resulted in erosion. Write about this glacier in your log, including the steps that occurred to cause the land formations. Present it to the class. Make a Difference: Research global warming and how this will affect the glaciers, thus also affecting erosion on earth. What can people do to prevent global warming? Write a research report and present it to the Class, Middle School News, etc. Science Textbook Pg. 117 Erosion by Glaciers RST Integration of Knowledge WHST Coherent Writing