Music Festivals Some lessons from Buloke
Where was Maitreya proposed? Lake Wooroonook, 15km from Charlton
How to assess a music festival General Planning scheme requirements No incorporated documents however; Government of Victoria, Dept of Health doc: Code of practice for running safer musical festivals and events. Government of Western Australia doc: Guidelines for concerts, events and organised gatherings.
Meetings and meetings Stakeholder meetings are crucial. We had several large meetings which included: Victoria Police Ambulance Victoria Country Fire Authority Buloke Shire Council staff Parks Victoria and DEWLP Applicant Applicants medical provider Applicants safety provider Applicants security provider and we discussed a range of topics including: Emergency management – Fire and medical Environmental effects Health and safety including amenities and waste Traffic control
…..and more meetings A number of internal meetings were held with Planning staff Building staff in relation to the POPE Environmental Health Environmental officer Local Laws in relation to crown land controls Technical services for traffic advice Recreation officer for waterway management Emergency management coordinator CEO – to keep informed
Exhibition and community consultation The planning permit was advertised when the newspapers were closed for X-Mas Advertised on site and surrounding 3km of properties Applicant submitted a community engagement strategy Applicant was working with forum to assist with informing town Community consultation undertaken by Council is required.
Special considerations Crown Land: Council was the Committee of Management so a 17B License was required for the use Council is the waterway manager of Lake Wooroonook Parks Victoria was the land manager for one of the crown allotments The area had areas of cultural heritage significance of the Planning Scheme
VCAT VCAT and its limitations: Following the decision by VCAT to uphold Councils decision to refuse we hoped that may be the end. When it became apparent it was not we sought Enforcement Orders which were granted If Enforcement Orders do not stop the applicant there are limited options: - Contempt which must be held before a Judge and this complicates urgent matters - Prosecuting non compliance with the enforcement orders after the fact VCAT was more reactive then proactive for this urgently unfolding situation
Lessons learnt Great working relationship with a range of stakeholders is necessary Clear timeframes for the applicant Communication with community Excellent information sharing between Councils Expect the unexpected Keep Council informed Make sure your records are exemplary Don’t rely on VCAT, they have limitations