English Cooking Class
Kitchen Rules Before you start cooking, wash your hands and put on an apron. You may need to roll up sleeves as well. When you are cooking on top of the cooker, turn the saucepan handles to the side so that you do not knock them. Be very careful with sharp knives. Hold them with the blade pointing downwards and always use a chopping board. Wash up as you go along, and wipe up any spills straight away. Each time you handle a different food, wash your hands afterward.
Tools for Cooking pan spatula rubber spoon bowl knife chopping board 1ts->1teaspoon 1TS->1TableSpoon 3 teaspoons = 1 tablespoon Measuring spoon
slice soak peel Actions for Cooking Actions for Cookingadd heat heat put put cut cut mix mix
Cut Slice
Peel Peel off Put
Add Mix
Heat up Soak
1.Wash your hands before eating. 2. Don’t move around. Sit down and eat. 3. Don’t play with your food. 4. Don’t burp at the table. 5. Don’t talk with your mouth full.