What are they? Semantic Web Services Raymond Cabrol Jacob Dodunski
Semantic Web Services What is a Semantic Web Service? A semantic web service are as simple as they sound they are a web service for the semantic web. Simply put they are a connection and interaction between applications on devices across the semantic web. When the data in the web is semantically correlated and machine readable this allows for a much greater mechanization and a lot less effort from users to preform actions. Examples: automatic webpage / document classification, Blog/website monitoring, searching.
Semantic Web Services How does it work? ● RDF ● Shortcomings of RDF ● OWL ● What does OWL bring to the table?
Semantic Web Services What are the benefits to a business in adopting semantic web services? ● Processes become more automated ● Removes human aspect ● Saves Time and Money ● Easy to maintain ● Easy to add new functionality ● Better information management
Semantic Web Services How do Semantic Web Services Benefit the public user? ● Search engines ● Travel plans ● Web browser metadata ● Buying items
Semantic Web Services Applications eGoverment Management system ● Emergency situation: landslide on motorway ● Use a geographical information system ● Highways, transportation, land use ● Integration, querying, storage, modelling ● An emergency planning officer can help to co-ordinate the response using the system. ● Fire, police, ambulance can also use the system ● The information would be assembled and related to certain events and people far faster than phone calls.