Saint Michael’s Catholic School Reception 2016
Previously, you should have received: Welcome to St. Michael’s Catholic School booklet Information about your child’s start date and time and arrangements for the beginning of the year Uniform information Information from the social committee and the summer play dates Today, please take with you: Data information sheet All about your child Request sheet for free school meals Free school meals information A letter from Miss Doel which outlines how to get ready for Reception The welcome pack – for you
Miss Doel – head of the Early Years Foundation Stage team (RD) Mrs. Magee (RM) Mrs. Williams Miss Grant Mrs. Garcia Transition support from the nursery team Our staff team
5 th September 6 th September 7 th September 8 th September 9 th September Staggered start, from youngest to oldest Half days all week – collection at 12 noon 12 th September 13 th September 14 th September 15 th September 16 th September Everyone in – stay until 1pm Everyone in – first full day Everyone in – full time from here Saint Michael's Catholic School - Living in the light of the Gospel The beginning of term
Please bring your child at the time stated on the letter for their first day. Following this, children may be brought into the classroom for the first two weeks. The Reception classroom doors will be open from 8.30am onwards. Feel free to stay and play. Children in Reception are collected from their classroom doors. Please be patient whilst we get to know new faces and always let us know if someone different is collecting your child. The first day
Give children time to settle and don’t hesitate to make us aware of anything that might be worrying your child. All children are different and have different settling in patterns – everything is normal and we will support your child in every case. Plenty of sleep and consistency of routine so that children know exactly what to expect. The first weeks
8.45amWake and shake on the playground 11.00amWhole class numeracy session 8.50amSelf registration and book time11.20amPaired work on a linked number activity 9.00amWhole class phonics11.40amSelf initiated play 9.40amPhonics games and activities12noonLunch time 9.55amSnack time1.00pmStory and whole class topic session 10.10amWhole school collective worship 1.30pmChild initiated activity / adult guided activity 10.30amBreak time2.45pmStory and prayer 10.45amSelf initiated activity3.00pmHome time A typical school day
An overview information is provided within your pack and a further information session is held at the beginning of the school year to give you further explanation of the Early Years Curriculum and the ‘Development Matters’ document. The Foundation Stage Curriculum Three prime areasFour specific areas Physical developmentLiteracy Personal, social and emotional development Mathematics Communication and language Expressive arts and design Understanding the world
Encouraging independence will really help to secure a good start to school life – dressing, coat on and off, eating with a knife and fork, packing a bag, tidying up. Spend quality time talking to your child about school and what they’ve done during the day. Share books. Ensure plenty of sleep – children will be exhausted by their first weeks at school. Ensure your child is at school everyday. What you can do to help
Masses Collective worship Prayer and reflection Mutual respect, tolerance, love for one another and service Strong, on-going links with St. Augustine’s Catholic Church Supporting our ethos
Pale blue polo shirt with our logo Navy crew neck sweater or navy cardigan For boys, grey trousers in the winter and shorts in the summer For girls, navy skirt or pinafore or trousers in the winter and blue and a blue and white checked dress in the summer. Girls should wear white or blue socks or tights. All children need a sensible pair of school shoes – no trainers. School Uniform
For P.E., all children will need a sky blue t-shirt with navy shorts. Children in Reception do not need jogging bottoms. General items: A named drawstring bag for P.E. kits The large style back pack, preferably with something attached to make it stand out A reading (book) bag with the St. Michael’s logo School Uniform
Dark blue or black or grey outer wear – coats, hats, gloves and scarves. Long hair must be tied back No jewellery of any kind, including earrings Children in Reception are not encouraged to wear watches Our summer uniform can be worn up to October half term and after Easter. Winter uniform should be worn in the second half of the autumn term and in the spring term. School Uniform
Child protection Absence Illness and medication Dropping off and picking up Free school lunches for infant children Some practicalities
Communication is the key to success in all aspects of school life: The communication book Beginning and end of the school day No concern you have is too small – please let us know If there are any changes at home, please let us know Facebook and social media Don’t hesitate to make contact between now and the beginning of term is there is anything at all you think of or need. Communication
Any questions?