CHRISTIANITY People/Followers: Symbol: Holy Book: Sacred Language: Holy City: Holy Building: Prayer Leader: Holidays/Celebrations: Sects: Goal: Christians.


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Presentation transcript:

CHRISTIANITY People/Followers: Symbol: Holy Book: Sacred Language: Holy City: Holy Building: Prayer Leader: Holidays/Celebrations: Sects: Goal: Christians Cross Bible (there is none) Jerusalem Church Priest, Pastor, Minister Christmas, Easter, Baptism Orthodox, Catholic, Protestant Salvation

JUDAISM People/Followers: Symbol: Holy Book: Sacred Language: Holy City: Holy Building: Prayer Leader: Holidays/Celebrations: Sects: Goal: Jews Star of David TeNaKh Torah most important Hebrew Jerusalem Synagogue rabbi Yom Kippur; Rosh Hashanah, Hanukkah Orthodox, Reform; Conservative To live a good life according to the laws of the Torah.

HINDUISM People/Followers: Symbol: Holy Book: Sacred Language: Holy City: Holy Building: Prayer Leader: Holidays/Celebrations: Sects: Goal: Hindus AUM Vedas Sanskrit Ganges River Temples, at home, at festivals Guru Holi - To achieve oneness with God and break the cycle of rebirth.

ISLAM People/Followers: Symbol: Holy Book: Sacred Language: Holy City: Holy Building: Prayer Leader: Holidays/Celebrations: Sects: Goal: Muslims Crescent Moon and Star Qur’an Arabic Mecca and Jerusalem Mosque Imam Ramadan Sunni; Shi’ite Salvation

SIKHIMS People/Followers: Symbol: Holy Book: Sacred Language: Holy City: Holy Building: Prayer Leader: Holidays/Celebrations: Sects: Goal: Sikhs (means “student”) Guru Granth Sahib Punjab, India Gurdwara Guru (means “teacher”) Tying of the boy’s first turban.