VIVA UPDATE VCCS OER & Learning Resources Peer Group Conference April 29, 2016 Anne Osterman, VIVA Director Genya O’Gara, VIVA Associate Director
Budget Update The General Assembly has approved the additional $1.22 million in FY17 and $1.28 million in FY18 proposed in the Governor’s budget. If the budget is approved, this money: Regains what VIVA lost in Sustains our current collections Provides an additional $526,000 for ebooks for the public institutions. Thank you to the LAC Advocacy Team and Outreach Committee for participating in the VIVA Advocacy Day on January 21 st !
Steering Committee Representation Thank you to Ruth Stanton of Northern Virginia Community College for her many years of service to VIVA! She will be rotating off the committee in June. Tara Cassidy from the VCCS joined the Steering Committee with her promotion to Director of Library Services for the VCCS. Steve Litherland from Tidewater Community College will join the Steering Committee following Ruth’s departure.
34 VIVA institutions, including six community colleges and the VCCS Systems Office became supporting members of the DOAJ through VIVA DOAJ Members Bridgewater College Piedmont Virginia Community College Christopher Newport UniversityRadford University College of William & MaryRegent University Eastern Shore Community CollegeShenandoah University Eastern Virginia Medical SchoolSouthside Virginia Community College George Mason UniversitySweet Briar College Hampden-Sydney College Tidewater Community College James Madison UniversityUniversity of Mary Washington Liberty UniversityUniversity of Richmond Longwood UniversityUniversity of Virginia Lynchburg CollegeUniversity of Virginia's College at Wise Mary Baldwin College VCCS Systems Office Marymount UniversityVirginia Commonwealth University Norfolk State UniversityVirginia Military Institute Northern Virginia Community College Virginia State University Old Dominion UniversityVirginia Tech Paul D. Camp Community CollegeWashington & Lee University
Open Textbook Network VIVA is joining the Open Textbook Network (OTN) as a System Member. The OTN is “An alliance of higher education institutions committed to improving access, affordability, and academic success through the use of open textbooks.” ( The recommendation to join the OTN came from a presentation about OER made by Tara Cassidy (VCCS), Kathleen DeLaurenti (CWM), and Anita Walz (VT) to the Library Advisory Committee.
As a System Member, VIVA will be provided with: A Campus Leader training, scheduled for Thursday, October 6, 2016 at James Madison University. The ability to send two System Leaders to the OTN’s three-day summer training, scheduled for August 8-12, 2016 at the University of Minnesota. A call for nominations by Directors for Campus and System Leaders will go out next week. Open Textbook Network
Outreach Committee Chair: Luke Vilelle, Hollins University VCCS representative: Suzanne Sherry, JSRCC The planned topic for the 2016 VIVA Users’ Group Meeting will be “Visions for an Evolving Consortium: Voices from the Member Libraries.” This meeting will take place on Thursday, October 27th at the Virginia Library Association Annual Conference.
Outreach Committee A Product Announcement for extensive additions to STEM content – IOP, IEEE, Wiley – is available on VIVA’s website: The committee is in the process of creating onboarding materials to inform people new to VIVA libraries what the consortium is all about.
Resource Sharing Committee Chair: Rosemary Arneson, University of Mary Washington VCCS representatives: Bethany Wright, TCC and Jacqueline Carrell, PVCC All of the materials gathered during the work of the Open Educational Resources Task Force, including Findings and Recommendations, Highlights from the OER Survey presented at VLA, and the OER Survey Results, are available here:
Interlibrary Loan Subcommittee Chair: Sharon Gotkiewicz, Virginia Tech VCCS representatives: Rebekah Goodfellow, JSRCC; LaTrisha McCargo, SVCC; and Joshua Wall, GCC The 2016 VIVA ILL Community Forum will take place at Virginia Commonwealth University on Friday, July 22 nd. Registration will close on July 8 th. The keynote speaker will be Katie Birch from OCLC, and the subcommittee is using a survey to drive content for the presentations. There are currently 47 registrants, including 11 from the VCCS.
Collections Committee Chair: Sharon Gasser, James Madison University VCCS Representatives: Crystal Newell, PVCC; Maria Fesz, NVCC; and Tara Cassidy, VCCS Systems Office Based on an idea from the 2015 Collections Forum, there is a new VIVA listserv for licensing issues: VALIBLICENSE-L. Please send an to if you would like to join this
Collections Committee Mergent Intellect and Investext Snapshot are new products for VIVA (publics and private Pooled Funds), effective 2/1/16. Investext Snapshot, or the Thomson Reuters Embargoed Research Collection, includes authoritative analyses of companies, industries, products, and markets. Mergent Intellect provides extensive information about private companies.
Collections Committee The Complete Cambridge Science Collection has become the ProQuest SciTech Collection, which includes all of the previous package’s content as well as additional content, such as GeoRef. Access to the ebrary Academic: Science and Technology Collection, Physical Education Index, and Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts will continue.
Collections Committee Oxford Scholarship Online has been extended through June We expect to receive a quote for an additional bridge period soon, and VIVA may join the Washington Research Library Consortium on a longer term contract.
Collections Committee Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory will switch to a 100% cost share model for the public institutions effective July 1 st.
Collections Committee The New England Journal of Medicine will be acquired as a new product for VIVA, shared by all of the public institutions, beginning July 1 st. It is already active as a trial.
Collections Committee Value Metric Task Force This new task force will explore value parameters such as cost per download, cost per FTE, usage ratio, discount rate for VIVA members, etc. in the interest of comparing the relative value of resources to VIVA members. Task force members are: Beth Blanton-Kent (UVA), Cheri Duncan (JMU), Summer Durrant (UMW), Julie Kane (W&L), Madeline Kelly (GMU), Crystal Newell (PVCC), and Genya O’Gara (VIVA, Chair).
Collections Committee Summer Planning Meeting The Collections Committee will hold a planning meeting in May, with a focus on consortial priorities for ebooks. A survey has gone out to all Collections Contacts about their e-book preferences regarding subject, publisher/vendor, and acquisition model. The Print Monograph Collections Analysis (used to inform previous ebook acquisitions) will be revisited.
Collections Committee The EBSCOhost Collection contract ends 6/30/18. An RFP for multidisciplinary databases will be conducted in 2017.