1 NORTHWEST ENERGY EFFICIENCY ALLIANCE IFSA Monthly Update Meeting February 7, 2014 NEEA Market Research & Evaluation
2 Overview / Agenda IFSA Site Visit General Update Additional Sampling Notification Letter from NEEA Potential Industry Confidentiality Risks – Report Data Review and Normalization Q&A
3 IFSA Site Visit General Update More assessments have been completed Cadmus and NEEA are still attempting to reach some utility points of contact, though making progress Cadmus is still awaiting approval to contact participants from four utilities representing 43 sites Cadmus team is working to reach participants where utility organizations have consented Analysis and reporting of results is on-going
4 IFSA Site Visit General Update 53 assessments are complete 4 more are scheduled Five more sites have committed to assessments
5 Additional Sampling We have nearly exhausted several NAICS/strata combinations from the initial draw In the next week, Cadmus will select additional sites for the relevant NAICS/strata combinations to ensure we meet our targeted samples NEEA will promptly notify the appropriate utilities of the new sample sites within their service territory
6 NEEA Notification Letter Provided ONLY to sites where consent provided Includes sites which have not responded and some sites recently approved for contact Distributed to working group roster for comment with fairly short turnaround Plan is to mail next week and have Cadmus make follow up contacts several days later Final letter to be included with follow up materials Letter highlights value propositions to customer
7 Confidentiality Risks by NAICS The following industries have risks to confidentiality due to small populations in particular usage categories : Risks primarily impact how data is presented in the “public” report Pulp and Paper Mills – Most at risk among large usage categories Primary Metal Manufacturers – High risk among large usage categories Saw Mills – Some risk due to “census” categories Miscellaneous Paper – Moderate risk in large usage categories Miscellaneous Food Production – High risk in K gWh category Refrigerated Warehousing and Storage – Risk in “census” categories
8 Data Review & Normalization As defined in the Data Collection Working Group, our outputs will be based on end uses stipulated through DOE’s Manufacturing Energy Consumption Survey (MECS) Indirect Uses-Boiler Fuel Conventional Boiler Use CHP and/or Cogeneration Process Direct Uses-Total Process Process Heating Process Cooling and Refrigeration Machine Drive Electro-Chemical Processes Other Process Use Direct Uses-Total Nonprocess Facility HVAC Facility Lighting Other Facility Support Onsite Transportation Conventional Electricity Generation Other Nonprocess Use
9 Data Review & Normalization Machine Drive end use is further broken out into these subcategories for our study Pumps Fans Compressed Air Material Handling Material Processing Other Systems MECS attributes all consumption for supporting equipment to the primary end use For example, consumption for hot water pumps serving a process boiler would be listed under “Indirect Uses – Conventional Boiler Use”
10 Data Review & Normalization Cadmus will normalize the end use consumption for each strata and NAICS code by the number of employees at the facilities (to protect facility anonymity) We will develop a weighted average for each end use consumption in each strata We will extrapolate consumption for the entire NAICS code using the relative weighting of each strata’s population in the overall sample frame
11 Data Review & Normalization Data Normalization Example for 327 NAICS [live spreadsheet demonstration]
12 Q&A For any questions regarding the IFSA study, please feel free to contact either: Steve Phoutrides, Lead Project Manager Christopher Frye, Senior Manager