The Nuclear Fuel Cycle consists of sequence of steps in which U ore is mined, milled, enriched, and fabricated into nuclear fuel and then irradiated in a reactor for several years. The fuel cycle lifetime from mining to discharge is about 8 years. NEI Video on U Mining NEI Video on U Mining
The Nuclear Fuel Cycle 750 kg high-level waste Reprocessing Plant Final disposal 25 tons spent fuel 25 tons spent fuel Interim storage (cooling pond) 1000 MW reactor for 1 year (~7 billion kWh) 25 tons UO 2 fuel Reactor 32 tons enriched UF 6 25 tons natural UF 6 Fuel fabrication Enrichment and isotope separation 220 tons depleted UF tons uranium oxide ,000 tons uranium ore Concentrate Convert to UF 6
Fuel Cycle Economics Transaction Cost:mills/kwhr(e) –Ore 1.00 –Conversion0.15 –Enrichment1.10 –Fabrication1.60 –Disposal1.00 –Misc0.25 Total5.10
Long Lived Radioactive Isotopes in Discharged Nuclear Fuel Fission Products Over 60 isotopes 7 isotopes have significant gamma decay during first 20 years that can be useful to identify the source: Zr95, Nb95, Ru103, Cs134, Cs137, Ce141, Ce144 Actinides Over 20 isotopes The gamma rays generated by Actinides have lower energy
Inventory of Nuclear Fuel United States 103 nuclear power plants 22% of electrical power World 438 nuclear power plants (33 under construction) 17% of electrical power 30 countries use nuclear power 16 countries produce more than 25% of electrical power using nuclear energy
US Nuclear Power Plants
WIPP One of New Mexico’s major contributions to the nuclear industry in recent years has been the opening and operation of Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP).
Transuranic Waste Repository at Carlsbad, New Mexico
Uranium Enrichment Recently, a uranium enrichment facility was opened near Eunice, New Mexico. This facility, established by Louisiana Energy Systems, brought many jobs and a new economic boon to that area. The Eunice Enrichment Facility is considered to be the “first of its kind in North America.”
URENCO is a nuclear business that has the main purpose of enriching uranium to provide nuclear fuel for commercial nuclear power plants. URENCO and LES have the goal of creating a sustainable and carbon- free energy future.
Debra N. Thrall, PhD Executive Director Wk