JOHN MULDOWNEY DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, FOOD AND THE MARINE JULY 2016 Climate Action – Implications for the Beef Sector.


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Presentation transcript:

JOHN MULDOWNEY DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, FOOD AND THE MARINE JULY 2016 Climate Action – Implications for the Beef Sector.

CCAFS Info note Agriculture in Paris agreement Agriculture in SBSTA work  4 workshops  Marrakesh

EU Climate Policy: key policy instruments GHG Target for 2030: -40% compared to 1990 EU Emissions Trading System (ETS) -43% compared to 2005 Non ETS sectors (transport, buildings, waste, agriculture) -30% compared to Member State targets stretching from 0% to -40% Question over how to include CO2 from LULUCF CH4 and N2O from agriculture included

5 October 2014 European Council gave further guidance, reconfirmed in March 2016 Endorsed GHG reduction targets ETS and Non ETS

EU Council Conclusions – Oct 2014 Paragraph 2.14 the multiple objectives of the agriculture and land use sector, with their lower mitigation potential to ensure coherence between the EU's food security and climate change examine the best means of encouraging the sustainable intensification of food production, while optimising the sector's contribution to greenhouse gas mitigation and sequestration, including through afforestation. Policy on how to include.....

What happened since October 2014? 2015: Public stakeholder consultation (and specific Member State consultation meetings) 2015/16 Preparation of a comprehensive impact assessment 2016 Intensive consultations with Member States

Irish NETS Trends

How to set the climate parts of the 2030 framework in law? Commission proposal to review the EU Emission Trading System (ETS) adopted in July 2015 Commission proposal for Effort Sharing Regulation (ESR) for the period to deliver the - 30% emission reduction by 2030 Proposal for LULUCF Regulation integrating emissions and removals into the EU legal framework 9

10 Fair Cost- efficient Environ- mental integrity

Land use and agriculture: in the ESD and in LUUCF All human- induced Partly human induced (linked to global natural carbon cycle) Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry (LULUCF): CO 2 AGRICULTURE non-CO 2 (CH 4, N 2 O) – in the ESD Uncertainties? Additionality? Permanence? Leakage?

Irish agricultural emissions projections:Baseline

Livestock systems management – Agri inventory  N Fertiliser formulation, reduction & timing  Selective breeding & animal health  Feed strategies Land use management – LULUCF inventory  New forestry  Active forestry management  Grasslands & Croplands  Degraded wetlands and peatlands? Fossil fuel and material displacement Synergies with other environmental constraints Climate action Options for Ireland

Conclusions The unique role of agriculture & forestry in the global climate change response is increasingly recognized Ireland is at a Good starting point –  Foodwise 2025  Climate Action & Low Carbon Development Act ESD proposals  Effort sharing regulation & LULUCF integration regulation  LULUCF flexibility for afforestation, Grazing land & Cropland management activities  Need further analysis  Feedback period of 8 weeks

QUESTIONS? Thank you