HAZARDOUS WASTE “Hazardous waste” means any waste which by reason of any of its physical, chemical, reactive, toxic, flammable, explosive or corrosive characteristics causes danger to health or environment. Waste Industrial Waste Hazardous Waste SSIncinerable SLF Non Hazardous Waste Municipal Waste Bio- medical Waste E- Waste
HAZARDOUS WASTE RULES 1989 Hazardous Wastes (Management and Handling)Rules, Hazardous Wastes (Management and Handling) Amendment Rules, Hazardous Wastes (Management, Handling and Transboundary Movement) Rules, Hazardous and Other Wastes (Management and Transboundary Movement) Rules 2016
4 LEGAL NEED IS SAFE MANAGEMENT OF HAZARDOUS WASTE Recycling / Sale for Reuse Treatment & Disposal
HAZARDOUS WASTE MANAGEMENT Hazardous Waste Having Organic Content Disposal Through Incineration Hazardous Waste Having In-organic Content Disposal Through Landfill Hazardous Waste Heavy Metal Content SS
HAZARDOUS WASTE INVENTORY OF INDIA –GENERATION AND DISTRIBUTION States with no TSDF Major Waste Generating States 22% 23% 5% 14% Hazardous Waste QTY (TPA) Incinerable4,15,792 Landfillable27,28,326 Recyclable30,88,387 Total62,35,505 Source: CPCB National Inventory of Feb- 2009
BUSINESS MODEL AND PRICE MECHANISM OF COMMON FACILITY Business Models DBOOBOOTBOOBOTPPP Pricing Mechanism Polluter Pays Principle Subsidies from Government of India 25% of Project cost with sealing limit of 12.5 Crore from Central Government 25% of project cost from State Government
HAZARDOUS WASTE MANAGEMENT Sr. No Hazardous Waste Available QTY Potential Environmental Threat 1Organic Incinerable Waste 20%80% 2Inorganic Landfillable waste 80%20%
ISSUES RELATED TO INCINERABLE HAZARDOUS WASTE Most Toxic Large Generation Inadequate Treatment and Disposal Infrastructure High Cost of Incineration High Impact on Environment
CHALLENGES AND ISSUES Improper and Incomplete Management of Hazardous Waste after 27 years of Rules being Implemented
CHALLENGES AND ISSUES Partial Enforcement Clarity in Identification of Hazardous Waste Lack of Policy on Non-Hazardous Waste Long Term Liability Issue Illegal Dumping of Hazardous Waste Safety Issues in Handling of Hazardous Waste
Co-processing Is Utilization of Wastes Materials in Cement Production
CO-PROCESSING BENEFITS “Recycling/Reuse/Utilization” is Environmentally/ Economically better than “Treatment and Disposal”
CO-PROCESSING BENEFITS Avoid Land Disposal Avoid Investment on Developing Landfill Avoid Long term liability on wastes and associated problems No Waste is generated that requires subsequent processing Favorable process conditions in cement kiln ensure complete Destruction and absorption of gases, Uniform temperature range > 1400oC Residence time > 6 secs, Alkaline conditions facilitate neutralization Conversion of waste into energy/Alternate Fuel
DIRECT CO-PROCESSING v/s PREPROCESSING - CO-PROCESSING Direct Co-processing is utilization of waste as it is; in its original form. Conversion of waste in useful form and then its utilization.
DIRECT CO-PROCCESSING LIMITATION Large number of wastes are directly not suitable due to its physical and chemical characteristics limitation. Large variation in physical and chemical characteristics of waste leading to difficulties in - Unloading - Storage - Feeding - Process Disturbance - Product Quality Disturbance - Emission Disturbance - Legal Non Compliance - Safety Issues - Need High Investment
Pre-processing Facility (PPF) is a “Preparatory” or Pretreatment Unit” For Final Treatment called “ Co-Processing”
NEED OF PRE-PROCESSING FACILITY Most wastes are not suitable for direct utilization in cement kiln. Cement plants need consistent supply of uniform quality of “Wastes Materials” as fuel. Ensures consistent waste quality, consistent emission, uniform operation. Technical and Safety considerations. Procedural matters.
PRE-PROCESSING Waste Generator Wastes GEPIL AFRF Cement Cos. Alternative Fuel Alternative Resources Bridge between Wastes Generators and Cement company AFRF: Alternate Fuel and Resource Facility
AFRF/ PRE-PROCESSING : GENESIS Input Output Large Nos. of Hazardous Waste Uniform Quality Alternate Fuel
Liquid Liquid + Liquid Blending Liquid Mix Liquid + Semi Solid Blending Liquid Mix Semi SolidSolid Semi Solid + Solid + Additive Solid Mix Solid + Solid + Additive Solid Mix PRE PROCESSING OF HAZARDOUS WASTE
ENVIRONMENT BENEFITS OF PPF No unit process and chemical reaction No High Temperature, high pressure operation Zero Waste Water Discharge facility Zero emission (only DG when operated) Zero Residue generation It generates empty drums/containers and it shall be given to authorized drum recyclers.
ENVIRONMENT BENEFITS OF PPF - Hazardous Waste - Fuel Incineration - Toxic Gases - Ash for Landfill - Raw material - Fuel - Alternate Fuel (AF) Cement Plant - No Toxic Gases - No Ash for Landfill
GEPIL’s EXPERIENCE IN PRE-PROCESSING Five Operational Pre-processing Facility across India. Three Facilities are in Project Stage. Producing 7000 TPM of Alternate Fuel (AF) Targeting to produce 10,000/- TPM of Alternate Fuel (AF) by October Closely working with Lafarge, Dalmia and J K Cement, India cement, Zuari and other cement plants.
PRE-PROCESING FACILITY -HARYANA Intermediate Storage Overview of Facility
Solid Processing Area Liquid Processing PREPROCESSING FACILITY
Loading/Unloading AreaLiquid Storage Facility PRE-PROCESSING FACILITY
WASTE HANDLED SECTORSWASTE TYPE Chemical Distillation Residue Process Waste Spent Carbon ETP Sludge Sludges Agro Chemicals Process Residue Distillation Residue Tarry Waste Off Specification Products Drugs and Pharma Spent Organic Solvent Spent Mother Liquor ETP Sludge Textile Chemical Sludge from waste water Distillation Residue
WASTE HANDLED SECTORSWASTE TYPE Petro-chemicals Oily Sludge Used Oil Spent Catalyst Cotton Waste Spent Carbon Oil Soaked Cotton Auto Phosphate Sludge Chemical Sludge Paint Sludge Sealant Waste ETP Sludge Wind and Power Resin Waste Doughy material Process Waste Engineering Cutting Waste Oily Sludge Grinding
Sr. No SiteMarch March March Dec March RSPL Haryana Ranipet DNH Rajasthan Telangana AP Maharashtra Total DETAILING OF A VISION
GEPIL’S APPROACH TO PRE-PROCESSING Step 1:Pre-Processing of Industrial Hazardous wastes as Alternate Fuels Step 2:Pre- Processing of Industrial Non Hazardous wastes as Alternate Fuels Step 3:Pre-Processing of Industrial Hazardous wastes as Raw Materials Step 4:Pre-Processing of Industrial Non Hazardous as Raw Materials