Information Society Technologies in the 6th Framework Programme Information Society Technologies in the 6th Framework Programme IST Call 6 Thanassis Chrissafis.


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Presentation transcript:

Information Society Technologies in the 6th Framework Programme Information Society Technologies in the 6th Framework Programme IST Call 6 Thanassis Chrissafis

eGovernment – vision Policy Innovation (Call 6) Good Practice Policy More jobs and growth “No citizen is left behind” Accountable Better democracy Supporting most public policy Public sector as partner Public sector as enabler Public sector as driver Pro-active citizens and business European Citizenship Networked governance

eGovernment in EU context a three-pronged approach Policy R&D and Innovation Good Practice And Implementation Policy Structural Funds

7 Manchester Ministerial Declaration 24 Nov 2005 No citizen left behind–inclusion by design  By 2010 all citizens become major beneficiaries  By 2010 innovative ICT, trust, awareness, skills for inclusion ICT for efficient and effective government  By 2010 high user satisfaction  By 2010 adm burden reduction, efficiency, transparency, accountability Delivering high impact services  By % e-procurement available, 50% take-up  By 2010 deliver other high impact services for growth and jobs Trusted access by means of eIDM * across the EU  By 2010 interoperable eIDM for public services across the EU  By 2010 electronic document recognition framework * Electronic identification and authentication management for public services

Innovating with EU eGovernment Research “ ICT for Innovative Government” Launch of new EU projects and preparation of the future programme (FP7) Launch of new EU projects and preparation of the future programme (FP7) –Secure cross-border eGovernment –Intelligent, personalised eGovernment services for all –Adaptive and proactive eGovernment –eParticipation –and eGovernment to strengthen enlargement ± 60 M€ funding, 23 new projects (Call 4); – in addition to ± 45 M€ funding, 13 projects (Call 1)

Objective To address key issues across the region, such as: - improved public services, - institutional reinforcement, - decision making - democratic processes Public services of high impact may include: - eCustoms - ePublic Procurement - eDemocracy - eParticipation Cooperation within the W. Balkan region as well as with the EU is supported International cooperation for eGovernment and eParticipation – Target countries: Western Balkans

This call complements the on-going research in eGovernment and eDemocracy : Instruments: STREPs, SSAs, CAs Balanced partnerships among: W. Balkan and EU partners; ICT research organisations (industry, academia) and users (e.g. public administrations) W. Balkan and EU partners; ICT research organisations (industry, academia) and users (e.g. public administrations) Multidisciplinary research in STREPs: technological, organisational, institutional, legal, etc SSAs, CAs: well focused proposals with tangible results and benefits International cooperation for eGovernment and eParticipation – Target countries: Western Balkans