Chapter 7-12 Vocabulary Enricher Eddy R.
Clerical Sentence: That woman was wearing a clerical necklace because she had done religious work in the past. Synonym: Priestly, Religious WORD: Clerical A garment or accessory related to the clergy (religious group) Antonym:
Illicit Sentence: Certain drugs are illicit in many countries Synonym: Illegal, Prohibited WORD: Illicit Not legally permitted or authorized Antonym: legal, approved
Astonished Sentence: He was astonished to see his grades improve so drastically. Synonym: Surprised, Amazed WORD: Astonished To feel amazement or surprised. Antonym: Predictable
Ailing Sentence: The woman was taking care of her ailing husband. Synonym: Ill, Sick WORD: Ailing To feel ill or have pain. Antonym: healthy
Enquire Sentence: Two men arrived to enquire about the type of food eaten in the school. Synonym: Ask WORD: Enquire To seek information by asking a question Antonym: Assume
Perplexed Sentence: All the numbers and equations in the math problem left her feeling very perplexed. Synonym: Puzzled, Confused WORD: Perplexed To be confused, puzzled. Antonym: coherent, logical
Jesting Sentence: The serious government men were in no mood for jesting. Synonym: Joking, Kidding WORD: Jesting To Make witty remarks, to joke. Antonym: To be serious,
Bereaved Sentence: The death of his friend left him bereaved. Synonym: Mourn WORD: Bereaved Suffer from loss of a loved one. Antonym: Glad, happy
Vacillate Sentence: What made him a bad leader was that he used to vacillate to much on important decisions. Synonym: Hesitate WORD: Vacillate To hesitate from making a choice, to be indecisive Antonym: Spontaneous, decisive
Dwindling Sentence: Everything began to go downhill in the dwindling city. Synonym: Declining, Deceasing WORD: Dwindling Gradually decreasing until nothing remains. Antonym: Incline